Learn About CPI Training

Therapy room at Lighthouse Autism Center with toys on a table with blue chairs and book shelves above

Learn About CPI Training

What Is CPI Training?

We take a look at what CPI is and why it is so beneficial for de-escalating crises for children with autism in combination with several ABA strategies.

At Lighthouse Autism Center, safety is our priority, and we take great pride in the safety of our centers. Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI) training is one of many safety precautions implemented at all Lighthouse Autism Centers. All of our employees receive weeks of training before beginning therapy with a child and are certified in First Aid, CPR, and CPI.

We’re going to take a closer look at what CPI is, the advantages of CPI techniques, and why we use them at the Lighthouse Autism Center.

A child wearing a black shirt giving a high five to a Lighthouse RBT with blond hair, glasses and a black shirt with stars.

What is CPI?

CPI is actually an organization, the Crisis Prevention Institution. CPI teaches a strategy called Non-Violent Crisis Intervention. This strategy is used for crisis prevention for a wide variety of people, including those with autism spectrum disorders. Non-violent crisis intervention training is designed to teach best practices for managing difficult situations and disruptive behaviors. Behavior technicians or Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs) learn how to identify at-risk individuals and use nonverbal and verbal techniques to defuse unsafe behavior. This type of training not only ensures the utmost safety of the children at our centers but also the safety of our staff.

CPI Training

The Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) is an international training organization that specializes in the safe management of disruptive and assaultive behavior. Since 1980, more than six million professionals have participated in CPI’s training, and thousands of organizations worldwide have successfully implemented CPI’s safe, non-harmful techniques and developed comprehensive crisis prevention and intervention plans. Only highly trained and certified CPI instructors are equipped to teach others CPI methods.

What is a CPI instructor?

A CPI instructor is someone who has gone through rigorous training through the CPI training organization and has been certified as an instructor. They are taught the tools and techniques to instruct and teach others to implement CPI strategies where needed. This certification requires regular re-training and active participation in training annually.

The Benefits of CPI at the Lighthouse Autism Center

There are a huge number of benefits when it comes to using CPI strategies. These are the most notable. 

  • Teaches staff to recognize and respond to a crisis appropriately: CPI teaches our staff imperative decision-making skills to effectively match their response to the level of risk in the crisis. They learn to focus on the least restrictive response to ensure crises are de-escalated with as little fuss as possible. They are taught how to recognize the different stages of an escalating crisis and how to use evidence-based techniques to de-escalate.
  • Safe physical intervention as a last resort: Staff are trained to respond appropriately to the level of risk. Sometimes de-escalation strategies don’t work, and the risk requires physical intervention. CPI teaches staff the best physical intervention strategies to ensure as little trauma as possible and to be able to immediately begin pairing again with their learner.
  • It’s fully accredited: CPI is an evidence-based training program that is also fully accredited. The training is reviewed bi-annually to ensure all interventions are up to international standards.

Why We Use CPI at Lighthouse Autism Center

While CPI is an excellent non-violent crisis intervention strategy for a wide range of people. We find it aligns well with our practices for our learners mostly because it is so proactive and focuses on se-escalation strategies. People with autism have unique characteristics, and the nature of autism means that there are some special circumstances to consider when employing CPI techniques with them. 

Here are just a few of the CPI strategies we use for children with autism 

Learn How Autism Shows Up in Individual Children

Autism shows up in every person differently, and there is no such thing as one size fits all. Our staff works closely with a child’s parents, teachers, and other adults in their lives to learn about their specific anxiety signs and triggers. For example, some children with autism can clench their fists when they are happy or excited. Others do this when they are starting to feel anxious or frustrated. How does a particular child show anxiety?

It’s important to understand what triggers every child has. Do they like to be touched? Or should touching be avoided? Do they like schedules, and if so, what kind of schedules? What are their very favorite things? What has helped calm this child down in the past? You can see the other important questions that are asked in our Tips for Parents blog post.

These types of questions allow our staff to intervene using the right type of support to avoid escalation

Teach Communication Skills

Children with autism struggle to verbalize their needs and wants, which often leads to frustration. Our staff finds out how the child tends to communicate when they ask for things. They will also teach the child how to ask for specific things that might not be tangible.

We will figure out the best system for the child, whether that’s verbal, sign language, or something in between. Teaching children with autism these skills is an excellent way to avoid crises and escalating frustration.

Safely Using Holds as a Last Resort

CPI strategies only use physical interventions as the very last resort and only when the child’s behavior is posing more risk to their own safety than any physical hold does. While none of us ever want to have to physically intervene, we are taught to safely and effectively use physical interventions with children in a way reduces harm. Following any crisis, we also focus on re-pairing the relationship with our learners as soon as possible, going back to all of the fun and proactive interventions.

The Best Autism Treatment With Lighthouse Autism Center

At Lighthouse Autism Center, we believe that we can help every child reach their true potential with our innovative treatment approach to autism. CPI strategies are just one small facet of the incredible work that our staff do throughout our centers.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d like to talk to someone about our treatments and how we can help your child.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

Impact of Dropping Asperger’s from the DSM-V

Asperger’s Syndrome Falls Under Category of ASD in DSM-V

A big change is about to take place in the soon to be released Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, more commonly known as the DSM-V. Asperger’s syndrome has dropped from the manual and instead it will fall under the category of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

The name for Asperger’s Syndrome has officially changed, but many still use the term Asperger’s Syndrome when talking about their condition.

The American Psychiatric Association released a statement stating that, “The new criteria

will incorporate several diagnoses from the DSM-IV, including autistic disorder, Asperger’s disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder and pervasive developmental disorder (not otherwise specified) into the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder for the DSM-5 to help more accurately and consistently diagnose children with autism.”

Continue reading “Impact of Dropping Asperger’s from the DSM-V”

Siblings of Children with Autism

Children with autism experience social delays, trouble communicating and various other developmental delays that can cause a family to experience extra stress and hardship. This can be particularly hard for siblings who may not understand that their brother and sister has autism and that may cause them to act, communicate or express themselves differently.

A young boy wearing blue shorts and a white shirt holding hands with his sister in a blue outfit in front of a sunset

Below is a list of items a child who has a sibling with autism may experience. While some of them may be unavoidable, it is important parents are aware of these challenges and work to make sure extra care is not only taken for a child with autism but their siblings as well.

Effects of Autism on Siblings

Sibling Rivalry

It is natural to see rivalry’s develop between children in one household. Siblings may fight over toys, attention, or anything to feel like they are “first” or have “won.” This experience can particularly be heightened for a sibling for a child with autism who may be competing for their parents attention.

Feeling Left Out

Children with autism require extra care, time and attention from parents. This can leave other siblings feeling left out or not important. Parents should take extra care to make sure other siblings feel loved and cared for. This could take the form of picking an activity to do together each week or going on a special outing with each sibling every month.

Extra Responsibility

Siblings may feel like they have to pick up extra work around the house that their parents do not have time for due to the extra work of caring for a child with autism. While there is nothing wrong with siblings pitching in to help the entire family unit, be sure children aren’t taking on too much extra responsibility (or responsibilities that are inappropriate for their age).

Feeling of Rejection

Children may want to have a close relationship with their brother or sister with autism that may not be possible. Children with autism often struggle with touch (like hugging) or with social skills (like being able to express joy, sadness, etc…) which can make it challenging to develop a sibling bond or relationship. Be sure to educate fellow siblings that children with autism do not express needs, wants or emotions in the same way as them and that these things may take different forms depending on the child.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

Center-Based ABA Therapy

Applied Behavior Analysis

In June of 2012 there was a major federal policy change that took place that provided more families living with autism access to Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapy. Now, nearly all states require health insurance plans to cover ABA therapy.

Many people will agree that ABA therapy is something that can be done in a variety of environments, including a school environment, home environment and center-based environment. However, studies show that ABA is most effective when done 1 on 1 in an intensive, center-based environment.

Because ABA therapy is highly individualized and each program is uniquely designed for a child, it becomes difficult to implement these programs in a school environment. Schools often are dealing with budget and staffing constraints which makes it challenging to implement ABA therapy in a school setting.

A center-based program also allows children to interact with other children and therapists, work on not only social and communication skills, but also daily living skills, and it provides the opportunity to work on further “real world” situations outside of the classroom.

So what are some factors you should consider when looking for an ABA center?

  • Safe and welcoming environment
  • Educated staff (credentials and experience as well as passion matter)
  • Child-to-therapist ratio
  • BCBA caseload size
  • Open communication
  • Parental involvement

Always request a tour and ask about the process for enrollment. See if they offer assistance to the family such as support groups and education.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

Technology as a Reinforcement Tool

While scientists work on finding the causes of autism behavioral specialists are making great strides in assisting child development through the use of technology.

How Technology Can Help with Childhood Development

Computers in the classroom have evolved from a luxury to a necessity as communication technologies progress. As traditional classrooms have proven successful with the use of modern technology, autism specialists have been researching and developing therapies that use computers to improve communication means for children with autism.

How Does It Work?

Research has found that many children with autism are visual learners. Computers provide teachers and therapists the means to create visual presentations as well as the ability to use communication software that resonates with children who have autism. Because children with autism often communicate through images as opposed to words, computer language software programs provide a way for children to communicate their wants and needs in a way that makes sense to them.

What are the Benefits of Using Technology to Help Children with Autism?

Through this means of positive communication, children experience a more enjoyable, less stressful learning environment that increases their ability to break down their barriers and develop their social skills. One of the most widely used learning techniques with technology is practicing cause and effect. For example, if the child is hungry and wants to eat, he or she would be taught to draw, find or present an image of a food item. The child would then show their picture to their teacher or parent and receive the food they asked for.

Technology and computers can also be used to benefit those who seek to further develop motor skills. Working with a computer, iPad, video game or any technology requires children to practice and develop their fine motor skills, something children with autism often struggle with.

To learn more about the use of technology in ABA therapy or how ABA therapy can help your child, schedule a tour at one of our centers by calling 574-387-4313.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

Social Skills and Children with Autism

Verbal Skills and Your Child with Autism

Children with autism often struggle with verbal communication skills. A child may be unable to speak in full sentences, only say a few words, or simply unable to carry on a conversation or be unwilling to. Children with autism also may struggle in social environments where verbal communication with others is expected. They may not like being around other people, be unable to look at someone in the eye when they say something, or simply prefer to be alone.

Nonverbal Skills and Your Child with Autism

Many children with autism may be non-verbal, meaning they cannot communicate vocally. For children who are non-verbal, they often cannot communicate their wants and needs and that may leave them feeling frustrated. This can ultimately lead to other behaviors. For children who are non-verbal, it is important that a doctor, therapist, or trained professional work with that child to develop an effective way of communication, whether it is using a picture exchange system, a language software on an eye pad, or something else. It is crucial our children with autism have a way to communicate their wants and needs for their well being and for their quality of life.

Social Signs That May Indicate Your Child has Autism

1.) Non-verbal

2.) No eye-contact

3.) Will not respond to name

4.) Cannot use full sentences

5.) Only talks about one item or topic

6.) Cannot carry an appropriate conversation.

If you suspect your child may have autism, please contact Lighthouse Autism Center for more information on diagnosing your child and ABA therapy.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

Eating Out with a Child that Has Autism

Something as simple as eating out with your child with autism can often be a stressful and anxiety inducing time for a family and child. Children on the autism spectrum can become easily overstimulated by the sounds, lighting, smells, and just the overall chaotic environment and unfamiliarity that restaurants bring. Overstimulation can be very overwhelming and mentally draining. Below, we have outlined some helpful and useful tips for taking your child with autism out to eat.

A woman with a pony tail with her arm around a young boy eating some dessert from a plate.

How to Take Your Autistic Child to a Restaurant

  • If possible, go at a quiet time of day. Think early dinners around 4:00 or 5:00 pm if your families schedule allows it. Consider a late afternoon lunch if you are going out on the weekends. Early dinners and late lunches tend to be less busy for restaurants and will provide a quieter and less stimulating environment for your child.
  • Consider allowing the child to use earplugs to mask some of the more unsettling sounds such as people chewing food, high pitched squeals of other children, and the sound of cutlery scraping against plates or tables being bussed or if loud music is being played at the restaurant.
  • Ask to not be seated next to the kitchen, bathrooms or main entrance to help minimize the number of people that are walking by your table. Additionally, if there are any large parties ask to be seated away from them.
  • Sit in the corner; this will make it so that there are only two walls that are open to sound.
  • If possible, ask for a booth instead of a table, this will help provide a more contained environment for your child.
  • Ask your server to give you a heads up if there will be any singing for a birthday at a table close by so that you can take your child outside for a few moments while they sing.
  • Should your child get overstimulated take your child outside and let him/her walk around for a few moments or go sit in the car so that they can calm down.
  • Keep your child’s food simple. Ask in advance about mixed textures and if there is an option to request the item plain. Consider ordering a food item that your child is already familiar with and that you know they will enjoy.
  • Take breaks if needed. Go to a quiet space or unoccupied bathroom or walk outside for a brief sensory break as needed.
  • Try to keep your child occupied while at dinner. This can mean coloring, books, scent kit or fidget toys, playing with an iPad, bringing a favorite toy – whatever your child enjoys!

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

How to Best Advocate for Your Child with Autism

We understand firsthand the struggles that parents and caregivers face when trying to advocate for a child with autism. Believe it or not, children with autism have unlimited possibilities. The degree of success a child with autism will have depends greatly upon early intervention and appropriate educational support.

An open adult hand with a baby's hand on top of it.

Parents and providers should never view any challenge that they are presented with as hopeless. Everyone has hurdles to overcome in both collaboration and communication with the people you trust to treat your child, but it worth the effort.

Here, we want to focus on giving you the tools to effectively advocate for your child, specifically when it comes to their education.

Tips for Advocating for Your Autistic Child

  • Remember, you are your child’s best advocate! Regardless of the school district, schools are limited as to what they can do for your child because of funding and staffing limitations.
  • Make sure that your child has an IEP. The Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) is a very powerful document, more powerful than most parents realize. IEPs that are well written can drive your child’s educational program as well as provide the documentation that is needed if a situation happens where your child is not making progress.
  • Be informed and prepared. Learn as much as you can about autism, treatment, and the rights of your child. Many school districts do have funds for parent education. Inquire about parent training and educational opportunities.
  • Communicate clearly. Make sure you understand what is being communicated to you by the schools. Try to communicate from a non-emotional place during IEP and other parent meetings and clearly state your child’s needs.
  • IEP meetings can often become heated. Try to remain calm, clearly state your child’s needs, and focus on the present and future rather than the past. Remember, collaboration is key to your child’s success. All parties must remain calm, focused, and remember that the child’s needs  are what’s most important.
  • Ask questions. If unfamiliar terms are being used, do not be afraid to ask questions. You need to understand policies and procedures as well as plans and interventions. The more you know, the less frustration there will be.
  • Be proactive. Take the time to create a list of objectives and items hat you want to cover in the IEP meeting. This will help the meeting stay on track and ensure you do not forget anything you wanted to discuss.
  • Know what your rights are. Know what alternative options you may have available to you. Remain confident and stay strong, so that you can passionately and persuasively represent your child.

For additional assistance and resources, contact Lighthouse Autism Center.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

My Child & Autism: How Much Therapy is Too Much?

ABA Therapy for Autism is a Full Time Therapy, Here’s Why.

Prospective parents visiting our center often ask the question, “how much is too much therapy?” At Lighthouse Autism Center, we specialize in full-time, center-based Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. This is an intensive type of therapy that is the only therapy for children with autism endorsed by the U.S. Surgeon General. Our therapy is play-based and child-led, because we know that children learn best while having fun! We meet our learners where they are most motivated and use strategically selected items in our play spaces to conduct therapy. We also create realistic environments in our therapy centers so that our learners and learn and be more comfortable in these environments when they are in the community in the real situations, such as at the salon or at the grocery store.

Children with autism need consistent, targeted, therapy to minimize skill gaps. Intensive therapy, such as ABA, has been shown to be incredibly effective in helping children and adults with autism live more fulfilled and independent lives. Furthermore, the earlier children with autism begin this therapy, the more effective the therapy will be.

If we think of ABA therapy in the same way we think about school for our children, we will see that the time spent is equal. The average child is in a classroom for 6 to 8 hours a day, five days a week. They are being taught and instructed in the classroom and those lessons are carried over at home. ABA therapy is the same. Most of our children spend eight hours each day at our centers where they are being taught life skills, school skills, and working on decreasing inappropriate or problem behaviors. These same skills are also put into practice in a home setting.

While your child may be missing out on a formal academic or school setting to attend full-time ABA therapy, typically children with autism that are recommended for full-time ABA therapy are not quiet ready for a full-time school setting. At Lighthouse Autism Center, it is our goal to get our learners ready to transition into a academic school setting by working with them on the necessary skills and independence to do so. This is why early intervention is also crucial. If we can get the learner in full-time before academic ages, they likely do not need to miss out on a typical school routine and we can prevent inappropriate or problem behaviors before they develop. Additionally, if the learner is already at an academic age, full-time therapy allows them to make greater progress faster, and transition into a school setting even quicker.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

My Child & Autism: Siblings

When a child is diagnosed with autism, it affects the entire family. While we often think of the parents or caregivers as those primarily affected, siblings are deeply affected as well. So, as parents, we must ask ourselves, what can we do to help both our child with autism as well as their brothers and sisters?

Educate and Set Expectations

It is important to make sure siblings understand the diagnosis of their brother and sister and what that means. Sit down and have a conversation with your child about autism and what that may mean for their relationship with their sibling (ie: Sam can’t express his wants or needs verbally so he may scream or Sam hears things differently than other people and that’s why we need to turn the music down, etc…). Be sure to have open communication with your child and be sure to let them know it’s ok to ask questions. Furthermore, having a sibling with autism can often mean having unexpected and upsetting reactions with others who may not understand their diagnosis. Prepare your child for different scenarios they may find themselves in with friends, schoolmates, or even strangers, and how to properly and respectfully react to things they may hear or experience.

Quality Time

Often times, so much time is dedicated to the child with autism and their needs, that the siblings can begin to feel neglected, or “left out.” Make sure you’re spending time with all of your children. Consider setting up a special one-on-one activity once a month with each child, or plan activities the entire family can do together. This will ultimately create a stronger family that is prepared to deal with the challenges faced by raising a child with autism.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

A New LAC: Granger Community

Autism Center Opened in Granger, Indiana

Lighthouse Autism Center has opened it’s sixth center in Granger, IN and is excited to be serving this local community. Like other centers, the new center is a large building with the highest safety standards, a beautiful play area, and plenty of natural light. It is the perfect space and is a wonderful learning environment for the kiddos who attend this center.

When opening a new center, our goal is to not only create a beautiful learning environment for the children at the center, but to make it convenient for parents. Often times parents have a long commute to reach a center that can provide therapy for their child, especially if they live in rural areas. That’s why we have made it our mission to bring quality, center-based ABA therapy to communities in need.

Find a Center Near You

Interested in finding an autism center near you? Click Find a Center below to view a full list of current autism therapy centers.

My Child & Autism: Finding Community

Finding a Community Network for Families with Autistic Children

When facing the challenges of parenting a child with autism, it’s important for caregivers to understand they are not alone. With 1 in 61 children diagnosed with autism, there are many parents and caregivers going through the same struggles. At Lighthouse, we understand the importance of these caregivers finding a supportive community with others who are experiencing the same daily tasks, challenges and joys that they are.

LAC encourages families to get to know each other, as no one better understands what you are going through than other families going through the same thing. Parents dropping off and picking up their children often get to know each other, and can get together for play dates, coffee, or even just for a quick conversation before picking their kids up from the center. We pride ourselves on creating an atmosphere where families can support each other and their children.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

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