Sleep Tips For Children with Autism – Lighthouse Autism Center

Therapy room at Lighthouse Autism Center with toys on a table with blue chairs and book shelves above

Sleep Tips For Children with Autism – Lighthouse Autism Center

There are many children who struggle with sleep issues that prevent them from getting a good night’s rest. We explore the ways that autism can impact a child’s sleep and provide tips to help you address them.

A child wearing a long sleeved blue t-shirt asleep in a bed with pale brown covers

Sleep Tips To Help Autistic Children

There are many children on the autism spectrum who struggle with sleep issues, which in turn, negatively affects other aspects of their lives. We explore how autism may affect your child’s sleep, how common sleep issues are, the consequences it may have for the child, and what helps with these sleeping issues.

How does autism affect children’s sleep?

There are several common sleep issues that children with autism may have to deal with. These include:

  • Falling asleep
  • Going to bed at a consistent time
  • Not getting the right quality of sleep
  • Waking up frequently during the night
  • Waking up too early

How common are sleep issues for children with autism?

A study from 2018 titled “The Relationship between Sleep Problems, Neurobiological Alterations, Core Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Psychiatric Comorbidities” has found that anywhere between 50% and 80% of autistic children have sleep difficulties. These are incredibly high numbers – and as you may no doubt guess – it can compound the difficulties that children with autism already have to deal with. 

What are the consequences of sleep loss for children with autism?

We’ve already touched on the fact that poor sleep can negatively impact your loved one’s life. But what are the consequences of sleep loss or poor sleep in children with autism? 

If your autistic child is not getting enough rest, they may end up experiencing increased levels of:

  • Aggression
  • Depression
  • Irritability

They may also struggle with other behavioral issues, as well as lower learning and cognitive performance. 

And yes, many of these problems are not unique to autistic children. These issues can impact the lives of autistic adults, as well as neurotypical children and adults, but there’s no doubt that these challenges make things worse for many children on the autism spectrum. 

Now that we understand how lack of sleep and autism spectrum disorders can be connected and affect each other, here’s some advice on what you can do to help your children get the rest they need at night.

Tips for helping children rest well

In order for your autistic child to be able to tackle life at their best, they need to get the right amount of rest. Here are nine tips to help them get the right amount and the right quality of sleep.

1. Set an appropriate and regular bedtime

Setting an appropriate bedtime that you stick to isn’t only good advice for a parent with autistic children, but is good advice for everyone. Taking this advice and implementing it will ensure your child’s natural circadian rhythm (the body’s processes that operate on a roughly 24-hour cycle) isn’t disrupted, which makes it easier to get to sleep at night. It also has numerous other health benefits and will ensure the mind is operating at its best.

2. Have a bedtime routine in place

Having a set of activities that you, your child, or both of you partake in can help your autistic child fall asleep. You’ll need to assess and ensure that you implement activities that aren’t stimulating and will help calm your child. Reading them a soothing bedtime story or singing them a relaxing lullaby are some of the possible activities that you can use to help your child drift off to sleep. 

A visual or written list of things that your child needs to do may also be beneficial and can help them stick to their routine.

3. Set up the right kind of sleep environment

It’s important that your child has a space that’s dedicated to sleep. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you must forbid all activities or toys in the bedroom. Rather, ensure these activities are kept to a certain part of the room and that they definitely don’t take place in bed. If there are certain things that help your child sleep, such as a stuffed animal, then these sorts of objects can be kept in or near the child’s bed. 

It’s also important the bed itself is set up in such a way that it encourages your child to sleep. Remember, autistic children can be extremely sensitive to certain sounds and textures. Ensure any bedding you use doesn’t cause your child any kind of irritation or discomfort either due to the way it feels against them or the sound it makes when rubbing up against a person or other parts of the bed.

The rest of the environment should also be conducive to sleep. This means it should be quiet, at a moderately cool temperature, as well as dark or dimly lit.

4. Ensure they don’t eat or drink too late at night

The reason why it’s not a good idea to eat or drink certain things late is that it disrupts the body’s circadian rhythm. Think of it this way; the body is effectively getting ready to “shut down” for the night when all of a sudden, food arrives! This tells the body that it isn’t time for sleep but time to process the food. It’s only once the body is done processing the food that it can return to a state where it’s ready to go to sleep. 

Not only is it a bad idea to eat too close to bedtime, but certain foods and drinks can also really make the situation worse. Things like caffeine-filled sodas or sugary sweets can be incredibly disruptive and should be avoided at all costs. 

If your child is thirsty, water is fine, and if they are hungry, a small portion of certain healthy foods, such as nuts or fruits that aren’t too sweet, can be given. Ideally, this should be avoided by ensuring your autistic child eats at least three hours before bedtime.

5. Get a good amount of sunshine during the day, particularly in the morning

Sunlight is another key element that affects the body’s circadian rhythm. This is also why it’s so important to start the day with a good dose of sunlight so that your body knows it’s the morning and adjusts your circadian rhythm accordingly. This realignment of the circadian rhythm will also help the body know when it’s time to go to sleep, making it easier for your autistic child to fall asleep at the same time every day.

6. Manage nap times to ensure your child is tired enough to go to sleep at night

If your autistic child naps too much during the day, they may struggle to go to sleep at the same time every night. Keep naps to 20 minutes or less to ensure your child can keep to their regular sleep schedule.

7. Physical activity could be key to helping your child get to bed at night

The study “Potential of Physical Activity-Based Intervention on Sleep in Children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder” has found that children with autism are likely to be less physically active than their neurotypical peers and that by ensuring children took part in exercise, parents could possibly increase the quality of their child’s sleep. While more research needs to be done to confirm the findings of this study, it is definitely something you could try with your child to test and see if exercise helps your autistic child sleep better at night.

8. Use sleep aids for autistic children

If you’re wondering what is the best sleep aid for an autistic child, here are some of the devices that you may want to investigate further.

  • A weighted blanket: There are studies that show weighted blankets can offer numerous benefits for autistic children, including helping them fall and stay asleep.
  • A white noise machine: A white noise machine can help your autistic child get a better night’s sleep by helping block any noises that might otherwise disturb their sleep.
  • Blackout curtains: There are many sources of light, including unnatural ones, that can disrupt your autistic child’s sleep. Blackout curtains can help you maintain a consistent environment so that they can sleep well. Eye masks could also work if your child does not experience sensory discomfort while wearing them.

9. Consider speaking to a specialist about medication

While there are many non-pharmaceutical interventions that can help you, you may find yourself still struggling to help your autistic child get to sleep. In these scenarios, it’s important to speak with an expert about pharmaceutical options, whether that’s melatonin supplementation or another prescribed medication.

Unlock your child’s potential with the Midwest’s leading autism therapy center

At Lighthouse Autism Center, we offer a unique approach to autism therapy called Lighthouse Fusion®. This unique approach to autism treatment combines the best aspects of ABA and speech therapy to help your child perform at their best. Learn more about Lighthouse Fusion® ABA therapy and take advantage of our autism resources to discover how it can help your child improve their outcomes.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

My Child & Autism: How Long is Therapy?

One of the most common questions parents ask when approaching the idea of therapy for a child with autism is “how long will my child need therapy?” Unfortunately, there is no easy answer or one solution for a child with autism. Each child is unique in their skills and goals. This means that each child’s therapy plan and programs, and the length of that therapy plan, will vary.

A young boy holding a tablet sat at a table with a Lighthouse Autism Center staff member helping him

However, on average, most children are enrolled at a center for two years. While a child may only be enrolled for two years, that does not mean they only need two years of therapy. At Lighthouse, the goal is to transition children back to a classroom setting where some form of therapy continues. This may mean having a classroom aid work with them or setting up an IEP with the school. Other children may not need any support at all.

Autism Spectrum Therapies at Lighthouse

ABA therapy programs at Lighthouse Autism Center are full-time or part-time programs. This is based on the recommendation of the clinical team following an assessment of each child’s unique needs. A part-time program is 20 hours per week and can be mornings or afternoons. A full-time program is 40 hours per week and does replace school for a child.

Full-time ABA Therapy for Autism

A full-time program allows for a more thorough approach to therapy for the child. By enrolling them in a full-time program they are receiving the maximum amount of therapy they can. This is often recommended for young children with a focus on early intervention. If a child is enrolled in a full-time program at a young age, they significantly increase success in leading a more independent life. While every child is different, most children will begin to see improvements beginning their first week of therapy. It’s important to remember that ABA therapy involves taking large goals and breaking them into very small, measurable, and attainable goals for your child. These small goals will build on each other until they culminate in the achievement of a larger goal.

Center-based ABA Therapy for Autism

Center-based ABA therapy is when the therapy sessions take place inside an autism treatment center (as opposed to in another setting such as the home or community). Center-based therapy offers more consistency and more learning opportunities as well as opportunities to prompt different learning opportunities. This environment ultimately leads to better outcomes for children with autism.

Ultimately, there is no “cookie-cutter” approach when it comes to your child. At Lighthouse, we understand that and are dedicated to giving your child a unique and personalized experience that will help them to unlock their unlimited potential.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

Fun Activities for Children in Indianapolis, Indiana

Finding child-friendly activities can sometimes be a struggle, especially with having a child on the autism spectrum. Below is a list of compiled activities in Indianapolis, Indiana for you and your child to enjoy.

Please use your discretion as to which activities you believe your child with autism can tolerate. Every child on the autism spectrum is truly different and some of the below activities may be too over-stimulating while other activities may help if your child is sensory seeking. Work within the context of your child’s skills and interests when determining a fun and safe activity for your child with autism.

New activities, especially in public can provide a variety of benefits for your child with autism. Although there may be many challenges that come with going out and trying new activities, these situations provide great opportunities to work on skills and social interactions. These activities can provide opportunities for children with autism to practice social and communication skills, fine and gross motor skills, motivation, confidence, independence, learn new skills, as well as more general skills that can be applied to other settings such as school. While working on new skills is important, it is also important to do activities that bring enjoyment!

The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is the world’s largest children’s museum. It is located at 3000 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, in the United Northwest Area neighborhood of the city.

Indianapolis Zoo

The Indianapolis Zoo is a 64-acre non-profit zoo, public aquarium, and botanical garden in Indianapolis, Indiana. Incorporated in 1944, the Indianapolis Zoological Society established the first zoo at George Washington Park in 1964.

Smiley Indoor Playground and Arcades

An indoor playground in Indianapolis, designed for children 10 & under. The arcade area is for all ages. Smiley offers an indoor playground, arcades, and a large selection of food and nonalcoholic beverages. Smiley is also the top birthday party venues in the state of Indiana.

Greatimes Family Fun Park

Greatimes is a five-acre complex in Indianapolis, complete with several outdoor attractions and a 22,000 square foot indoor facility that includes a multi-level arcade room, several party rooms, and an indoor playland. They have activities for your whole family or group and are the #1 place in Indianapolis for birthday parties and offer a variety of party packages & themes that allow you to customize your party to your wants & needs.

Rhythm! Discovery Center

Rhythm! Discovery Center is located in Indianapolis, Indiana and is the world’s only interactive drum and percussion museum. Founded in 2009, it is a creative vision of the Percussive Arts Society, the largest member-based international percussion organization in the world. Rhythm! features unique, interactive exhibits highlighting a rich collection of historic artifacts and hands-on percussion instruments and serves as the definitive place where the history of percussion is preserved, celebrated, and shared.

The Children’s Maze

Large limestone blocks in a series of concentric circles create an interesting and greenspace in White River State Park perfect for a picnic or unique location for a photoshoot. Located conveniently near the White River State Park Visitor Center. White River State Park, located in downtown Indianapolis, boasts world-class attractions and destinations that offer distinctive experiences for every visitor. Greenspaces, trails, trees, and waterways co-mingle alongside cultural, educational, and recreational attractions across 250 beautiful acres.

Zip City Indy

Zip City Indianapolis has a ton of attractions for a day filled with family fun. From their indoor zip line park to their indoor trampoline park with trampoline dodgeball, it’s a place where you can be active and social while challenging yourself and others. You’ll find ropes course, climbing walls and laser tag in their over 70,000-square-foot facility, offering a mix of fun and challenging attractions guaranteed to get you moving all year round.

Indianapolis Motor Speedway Museum

The Indianapolis Motor Speedway Museum is an automotive museum on the grounds of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Speedway, Indiana, which houses the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hall of Fame.

K1 Speed – Indoor Go Karts, Corporate Event Venue, Team Building Activities

K1 speed is a chain of indoor racing centers featuring electric go-karting for all skill levels, plus food. Indianapolis – home to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and “The Greatest Spectacle in Racing”, and now home to K1 Speed! This Indianapolis track features one of the longest straights that open to superb overtaking opportunities, with plenty of twists and turns to challenge the most seasoned go-karting driver. Their two meeting rooms provide a perfect environment for parties and business meetings, while the arcade games and air hockey table keep you entertained in-between your racing sessions and Birthday Parties. The Paddock Lounge restaurant serves delicious food and beverages for all ages that will keep you fueled up.

Indiana State Museum

The Indiana State Museum is a museum located in downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. The museum houses exhibits on the science, art, culture, and history of Indiana from prehistoric times to the present day.

Adrenaline Family Adventure Park

At Adrenaline Family Adventure Park, we know you want a place where kids can be active, so they sleep well at night. The problem is there are limited options in the Fishers area suitable for kids of all ages. You deserve more. We understand the need for members of our community to enjoy active entertainment—without getting sucked into arcade or VR games. Your kids get enough of that at home. Adrenaline holds sensory hours every Thursday from 6pm – 8pm.

Sky Zone Trampoline Park

Sky Zone Indianapolis is Indiana’s most extreme trampoline park. Explore the Wall Tramp, High End Airtrack, Ninja Course, Stunt Fall, Trapeze, and Aerial Skills.

Holiday Park

One of Indianapolis’ oldest parks, Holliday Park is located just six miles north of downtown and encompasses 94-acres of beautiful green space. Visitors can explore the nature center, play on one of the city’s best, hard-to-leave playgrounds, hike more than 3.5 miles of picturesque trails or take a stroll around the one-of-a-kind Holliday Park Ruins.

Holliday Park provides getaway for nature lovers without having to leave the city. The wooded ravines contain natural springs and wetlands, a pond, a long stretch of the White River, a beech-maple forest, and over 400 species of trees, shrubs and wildflowers. Bird watchers have spotted more than 200 species while hiking the 3.5 miles of trails that wind through the forest. In addition, deer, fox, beaver, rabbits, squirrels and many other native animals reside in or pass through the park grounds.

Climb Time Indy

Over 8,500 sq. ft. of climbing space, plus kids’ programs, private lessons, a pro shop & more. Since 1997, Climb Time Indy is dedicated to to providing the best that rock climbing has to offer. We are focused on maintaining a safe environment where climbers of all ability levels and ages can get better, learn more and above all else, have fun climbing. Climb Time offers a wide range of difficulty levels from very easy to moderate to extremely difficult, brought to you by some of the best route setters this side of the Mississippi. Routes are changed weekly in order to ensure there is always something new to challenge yourself with. Whether you are looking for powerful bouldering, sustained routes, or just a day out with the family, Climb Time Indy has what you are looking for.

The Park at Traders Point Northwest

As an extension of Traders Point Christian Church, The Park is designed to serve parents and caregivers while their kids play on our indoor playground equipment. We also have a designated area for little kids to play! The Park is an inclusive, safe and engaging environment for all. It is structured for open play, so parents can enjoy the tables to get a little work done, read, or converse with others while the kids enjoy. As an affiliate of Traders Point, The Park is available at no cost to you! When planning your visit, please bring your government-issued ID and socks for the kids. Traders Point offers a sensory room at all of their campuses.

Kid’s Planet

Kid’s Planet offers young families in near Indianapolis, Indiana and the surrounding areas a quality family recreation center with jungle gyms, soft contained, multi-level playground, birthday party hosting, and lots of fun arcade games.

Indianapolis State Fair

The Indiana State Fairgrounds & Event Center in Indianapolis, Indiana offers modern event facilities in a historical setting. The Indiana State Fairgrounds & Event Center first opened in 1892 and has hosted more than 129 Indiana State Fairs. Prior to 1892, the first 40 Indiana State Fairs were held at rotating sites around the state. In 1990, the Indiana State Fairgrounds & Event Center began its present existence as a year-round events center. Since that time, many of our venues have undergone renovations and upgrades that have continued to bring modern comforts to our ability to be a great site for conventions, consumer shows, conferences, sports, concerts, fairs, exhibitions, meetings, weddings, banquets and retreats.

Westermeier Commons Playground & Splashpad

Located near Indianapolis, Indiana and formerly West Commons, Westermeier Commons was renamed in honor of Mark Westermeier who served as Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation director for 15 years. The playground at Westermeier Commons has a futuristic design and offers children more than 25 thousand square feet of inclusive play space. Children using wheelchairs have access to lower- level amenities as well as upper-level features with the use of ramps. The playground also offers three cave-like areas to provide respite for children who need quieter spaces during play. Adjacent to the playground is a splash pad (open Memorial Day-September 30), which was designed to match the nature that surrounds it.

The Waterpark

This amusement area is nearby Indianapolis, Indiana and offers heated pools with slides, simulated surfing, play areas, cabanas & snacks. Come surf the waves on the FlowRider®️, scale the wall of the AquaClimb®️, grab a treat from the snack bar, and enjoy your own private cabana in style. With features for every age and ability—from a kiddie pool to the lazy river to adventure slides—we have everything you need for a 5-star family-friendly day!

Cool Creek Park Nature Center

Park-based natural-science center offers seasonal exhibits on habitat preservation & local wildlife. Cool Creek Park is one of Hamilton County’s most popular parks, as it offers a wide variety of features and activities. Members of the entire family are sure to enjoy this beautiful 90-acre park year-round. The park includes 4 miles of wooded trails, perfect for hiking, jogging and bird watching. Scenic paved roads wind through the park are ideal for those who cycle and roller blade. Looking for even more activities? Check out the playgrounds, soccer fields, or basketball court. For something slower paced, enjoy our nature trails, wetlands, prairies and benches along the trails, installed by Eagle Scouts.

Hoosier Heights Indianapolis

Climbing walls, bouldering & a gym in a spacious indoor facility with yoga & other classes. The best rock climbing in Indianapolis, Indiana – with bouldering, ninja warrior, and more!

Conner Prairie

FOR FAMILIES AND INDIVIDUALS WITH SENSORY DIFFERENCES: The second Sunday of every month from 10 am-12 pm will be Sensory Friendly Hours at Conner Prairie!
Enjoy a calm environment at Conner Prairie – and explore at your own pace. Anything that makes loud noises or has bright lights (i.e. the Dry Goods Store in CWJ) will be shut off unless specifically asked to turn on. Access to the quiet space areas in our buildings and across the grounds* will be highlighted for easy access.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

PECS And ABA Therapy – Lighthouse Autism Center

The picture exchange communication system, or PECS, is a teaching system that can help an autistic child or another individual with speech difficulties improve their communication skills. We take a look at PECS’ role in ABA therapy and unpack how it works.

Picture Exchange Communication System and its use in ABA Therapy

Many autistic children have difficulties communicating verbally. PECS is one of the many tools we use in ABA therapy to help them increase their independence and improve their outcomes. Join us as we further unpack PECS, how it works, the benefits it offers, and more.

What is PECS?

The picture exchange communication system, or PECS, is a communication system that was developed in the USA in 1985 by Andy Bondy, Ph.D., and Lori Frost, M.S., CCC-SLP, the founders of Pyramid Educational Consultants, Inc. It is based on the book “Verbal Behavior” by B. F. Skinner. 

This augmentative or alternative communication system was first used to assist autistic preschool students who were part of the Delaware Autism Program. It is now also used to help people of all ages with communication difficulties that are caused by many conditions. 

How PECS works

One of the downsides to other programs and methods designed to help those with communication issues, such as sign language and picture point systems, is that they rely on the teacher to initiate communication with a student. This creates a situation where the student learns to only respond in communication and to never initiate it themselves. The main goal of PECS is to help address this by teaching students to communicate more spontaneously using specific prompting and reinforcement strategies and avoiding verbal prompts, as well as improving their functional communication skills. 

Implementing PECS

Regardless of whether you are using the PECS program for autism or other causes of communication-related challenges, it has a specific process that you need to follow.

Complete reinforcer sampling

Before the PECS protocol is implemented, it’s important to first complete “reinforcer sampling.” Reinforcer sampling simply refers to the creation of an inventory of activities, toys, or other items that the student likes so that these items can be used as motivators during PECS. 

This inventory is created using an assessment process that can be completed in numerous ways, such as asking caregivers, observing the student and what they choose most and least often, and presenting the learner with pairs of options to see what they like the most. The reinforcers that are chosen will need to be consistently appealing to the learner in order to assist with PECS.

The six phases of PECS

Phase 1: How to communicate

In phase one, the student learns to initiate communication by exchanging pictures for things they really want or activities they want to take part in with a second trainer, who is the student’s communicative partner. (These desirable items and activities were identified during the complete reinforcer sampling stage.)

Phase 2: Distance and persistence

During phase two, the student learns to use this skill of exchanging a picture to get something they want in different places. They learn to do this by seeking out their communicative partner. They are also taught to initiate communication with other communicative partners using the same system. This is accomplished using different desirable items and activities. 

Phase 3: Picture discrimination

During phase three, the student is now tasked with asking for two or more of their favorite things, using multiple pictures. These images are stored in a PECS Communication Book, which allows for easy removal and return of images used by the student.

Phase 4: Sentence structure

In phase four, the student learns to complete basic sentences using what are known as Sentence Strips. These strips begin with an “I want” picture, with the student adding the picture of the item they desire to the strip from the PECS Communication Book. Once the student has demonstrated the ability to make this request, additional detail is added to these statements using descriptors, including the number, color, shape, or size of the object that they want.

Phase 5: Responsive requesting

Phase five asks the student to engage with the question “What do you want?” and to respond using the skills and tools they learned in phase four. When asked this question, the student must use the Sentence Strips and pictures from their PECS Communication Book to provide an answer.

Phase 6: Commenting

In the final phase of PECS, the student learns to answer other questions such as “What do you see?”, “What do you hear?” and “What do you smell?”. This is done by teaching them to use additional phrases such as “I see,” “I hear,” and “I smell” on their sentence strips, expanding their requests beyond “I want.”

The benefit of PECS

There are many benefits to teaching using PECS. Here are some of the advantages that it offers to autistic children:

  • Helps make communication a more understandable process
  • Improves the initiation of communication
  • Can decrease problem or negative behaviors
  • Can help improve social skills and allow students to build relationships
  • Easy to learn for a student’s partner
  • Increases the use of speech in some learners

Find out more about Lighthouse Autism Centers and how we use PECS

At Lighthouse Autism Center, we provide PECS for autism treatment and to help our students achieve better outcomes. We also provide autism resources so that you can better navigate this spectrum disorder and more insight into our Lighthouse Fusion® ABA therapy program and how it can help your child.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

Understanding & Using AAC Devices – Lighthouse Autism Center

Augmentative and alternative communication, or AAC, is a way for people who struggle with speech, or lack the ability to speak entirely, to communicate their needs, wants, and desires. We unpack what AAC is, the types of AAC devices that you can use, their benefits, and more.

Understanding AAC and the Use of AAC Devices

As a parent, guardian, or relative of someone with autism, you may have heard about AAC devices and wondered what they were. Read to discover what AAC is, what these devices do, the different types of AAC available, the benefits they provide, and more.

What is AAC?

AAC stands for “augmentative and alternative communication.” It refers to the wide range of systems and tools used to help people who struggle with speech and those unable to speak at all. This includes people with autism, brain trauma, down syndrome, degenerative diseases, and other conditions. AAC helps these individuals connect and navigate a world where speech is often the primary way of communicating with others. 

In order to better understand AAC, it’s important to unpack what the terms augmentative and alternative mean in this communication system. Augmentative communication systems support or assist someone’s ability to speak. Alternative communication systems, on the other hand, are used in place of someone’s ability to speak.

Different types of AAC

There are two different types of AAC, namely, unaided and aided. We explore the differences below.

Unaided AAC

Unaided AAC refers to a type of communication system or strategy that doesn’t use any additional tools or materials. Examples of unaided AAC are facial expressions, gestures, body language, sign language, and vocalizations.

Aided AAC

Aided AAC refers to a type of communication system or strategy that does use additional tools or materials. Examples of aided AAC are communication boards, choice cards, speech-generating devices, and even apps on mobile devices.

Aided AAC is where AAC devices come in.

What are AAC devices

AAC devices are specific tools used to communicate when an individual is unable to express themselves using spoken or written language. 

The different types of AAC devices

There are two categories of AAC devices: low-tech (non-electronic) and high-tech (electronic). Some common AAC devices that fall into either of these categories are:

  • Low-tech AAC devices: Symbol boards, alphabet boards, communication books, and choice cards. The user may select images, words, or phrases if they are able to do so. If they have physical limitations, gestures, light pointers, gaze, or a head-mouth stick might also be used, or they might use another way to communicate yes or no, such as nodding their head, as someone reads through the options available to them.
  • High-tech AAC devices: Speech-generating devices (SGDs) or voice output communication aids (VOCAs), devices with pre-programmed messages and apps on tablets and smartphones. How a user interacts with high-tech AAC devices varies greatly, depending on its capabilities and the user. For example, some SGDs are operated by hand or using eye-tracking technology.

Depending on the cause of the communication impairment, devices from either the low-tech or high-tech category may be better suited to address an individual’s needs than others. However, while some people may need either a low-tech or high-tech device most of the time, situations may arise where they need a device that they normally don’t use. 

For example, someone who uses symbol boards may have difficulties communicating if they’re in a poorly lit room. Another person who uses a device like an iPad to communicate may find themselves unable to do so if they are outdoors and caught in the rain. This is why it is important that people have access to both low- and high-tech AAC devices where possible. 

Both low-tech and high-tech devices are further broken down into three categories, depending on the type of communication system they use. These three categories are:

Single-meaning pictures

A single image has a single meaning. Users are taught what each image means and how they can communicate by gesturing at the word or selecting it, depending on the type of AAC device. Some limitations of these systems are that they may require thousands of images before they can be used meaningfully; or that it could be difficult for them to communicate more abstract words like “help”, “stop,” or “mine”.

Alphabet systems

Alphabet systems require some level of literacy. Communication takes place with the user pointing at or selecting each letter to spell out the word they are trying to communicate, or choosing from complete words. An example of this would be words printed on cards or displayed on a digital device.

Semantic compaction

Multiple images are used in a sequence to communicate. A single image has multiple meanings – but these meanings may change depending on the combination of symbols. Users are taught the meanings of each image and how to construct sequences with specific patterns that affect meaning.

The benefits of AAC devices for autism and other speech-impeding conditions

For someone with autism, apraxia, traumatic brain injury or other conditions which affect their speech and who struggle with verbal or written communication, AAC devices provide numerous benefits. These benefits can include:

  • Empowering users to become independent
  • Improving the user’s ability to connect with others
  • Improving a user’s speech and written communication skills
  • Improving a user’s overall quality of life by reducing negative factors in their life such as stress, vulnerability, and loneliness.

How to choose an AAC device

Even if you have the best intentions, going in without the requisite knowledge of AAC devices and systems may leave you with a device that is poorly suited at best – or completely unfit for use at worst. This is why it’s important to work with a professional when deciding on which AAC devices to use. Whether it’s a speech-language pathologist (SLP), an occupational therapist (OT), psychologist, or other suitably qualified individual, they will be able to help you choose the best solution that meets the needs of the individual. 

Learn more about our approach to ABA therapy

Whether your autistic child uses an AAC device or not, we can help them develop and reach their goals with ABA therapy. Take a look at our autism resources to help you better understand autism. You can also learn more about our Lighthouse Fusion® ABA therapy program to find out how we can help autistic children improve their outcomes.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

Technology and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

Learn how assistive communication technology is used in ABA to improve social communication and behavior in autistic people.

Technology and ABA

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is an indispensable tool used in the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Thus, it stands to reason that ABA therapy is inextricably linked to technological advancements that improve the quality of ABA for therapists and patients alike. 

Assistive communication devices for autism

Figuring out how to improve social communication skills in autism sits at the heart of ABA therapy. Many practitioners and patients often turn to technology for solutions. 

The development of assistive communication devices for autism has tracked the rise of technology, and these have been employed with great success in recent times. Here are some of the most innovative new developments in the technological dimension of ABA, focusing on assistive communication technologies and devices for autism. 

Augmented Reality (AR)

Studies have shown that Augmented Reality (AR) technology provides an enjoyable and stimulating environment, which reduces boredom in autistic people while increasing enjoyment and motivation. 

AR also improves social skills and communication in patients with an increased interest in the education process through participation.

In early experiments with Google Glass, the camera would interpret facial expressions of people for the patients and display a corresponding emoji. This provided therapists with a deeper understanding of the link between social situations and the behavior of autistic people. Additionally, the use of AR role-playing and interactive autism games for social skills significantly boosted the recognition of social cues. 

Virtual Reality (VR)

Although virtual reality (VR) has been around for a long time, it has only recently become more accessible and affordable. Head-mounted displays (HMDs) like Google’s Cardboard, which houses a smartphone loaded with a VR autism app, have demonstrated remarkable improvements in autistic people – especially with social functioning, emotion recognition, speech, and language. 


Incorporating video into ABA is largely based on Albert Bandura’s social learning theory (1977). This simply means people learn by watching and copying each other. 

Video-modeling, according to modern parlance, is less threatening to autistic children than face-face modeling and seems to be more motivating. It also allows patients to focus on one or two skills at a time without overwhelming them. 

Mobile apps

There has been a surge in the development of applications or apps to turn our mobile devices, like tablets and phones, into assistive communication devices for autism. Here are a few apps that have successfully dealt with communication and behavioral issues in autistic patients.

Language and Cognitive Therapy for Children (MITA)

Operating System – Android and iOS

This app delivers an almost unlimited number of cognitive exercises for autistic children with speech delays. Having passed clinical studies, MITA (which stands for Mental Image Therapy for Autism) uses simple vocabulary with higher forms of language and adaptive activities specifically for early intervention. Other features include playtime rewards and offline viewing.


Operating System – Android and iOS

Symbotalk helps autistic children to communicate verbally through flexible boards and sub-boards, as well as augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems. 

The app helps children associate symbols and pictures with audio. It also allows you to upload your own images and record your own voice to make it easier for the child. 


Operating System – iOS

This is not a free app but has won awards for innovation in giving a voice to children who can’t speak. Autistic children who find speech and communication difficult are able to communicate complexity through a highly intuitive interface. 

Parents and therapists can configure grammar, while core words can be learned through associated movement. 


Operating System – Android and iOS

Based on augmentative and alternative communications (AAC) as well as picture exchange communication systems (PECS), Leeloo uses cards to match words and phrases to images. 

Once a card is selected, Leeloo reveals a list of words and phrases associated with that image, then reads out the word or phrase the child selects in up to 10 different voices. 


Operating System – Android and iOS

Otsimo improves both speech development and behavior in autistic children and adults. 

With over 50 games, the app supports ABA interventions through the provision of progress reports as well as the ability to personalize each game to the needs of the individual child.

ABC Autismo

Operating System – Android 

ABC Autismo focuses on enhancing learning in autistic children through the use of over 40 interactive activities that promote attention and focus. Therapists and psychologists also use it as an evaluation tool to assist in diagnosing autism and other mental disorders.

Autastico II

Operating System – Android 

Autastico II focuses on improving cognitive skills, attention, and motor coordination through activities, sound, and music. Unlike other apps that are primarily functional, Autastico II also emphasizes entertainment and fun through engaging content and striking graphics. 

Dino Tim

Operating System – Android 

Dino Tim is a fun learning app for autistic children. The app follows the storyline of Dino Tim and his family, who are kidnapped by witches. Children are then required to become heroes to rescue them from the witches by conquering over 100 puzzles and activities that boost motor skills and increase attention and concentration. 

Wearable assistive technologies (WAT)

Wearable assistive technologies (WAT) are making it possible for autistic people to re-enter classrooms and other clinical environments to learn and even venture into real-world social situations through the use of real-time feedback. 

As the technologies mature, autistic people can navigate social interaction using WAT like smartwatches with haptic responses, augmented reality headsets like Google Glass, and almost invisible hearing aids. 

Hearing aids

Modern hearing aids have become so advanced that they can assess the acoustics of a room or environment and then remove sounds that it doesn’t recognize as speech. 

Even more impressive is that some hearing aids can simulate high-definition sound for music and speech. Better still is that they can be configured and controlled using mobile devices like phones and tablets. 

Neural command

Neural command makes it possible for people to control devices simply by using their brainwaves. Not unlike common software that converts text to speech on our mobile phones, neural interfaces (although still in their infancy) are being developed to integrate with speech-generating devices that allow people with severe speech impediments to “talk” using their thoughts and specially designed headsets.


Advances in robotics aid in teaching autistic children social skills while keeping them focused during their therapies.

A recent study using NAO, a robot created by SoftBank robotics, also showed that with appropriate software, robots can be used to assess autism in children through observing play and interaction.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning

It has recently been established that machine learning models can help predict ABA treatment programs for children with ASD and significantly assist ABA practitioners in prioritizing resources for the management of ASD from diagnostics through to intervention. 

Lighthouse Autism Center

Lighthouse Autism Center is the Midwest’s leading autism therapy institution, with world-leading autism resources and a ground-breaking Lighthouse Fusion® ABA Therapy program that fuses the best practices of ABA and speech therapy into a one-of-a-kind clinical model that delivers better outcomes for children with autism.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

Holiday Tips For Autistic Kids – Lighthouse Autism Center

The holidays are generally a period to look forward to for most children, but they can be stressful for children with autism due to their change in routine and potential for sensory overload. We have five quick tips to help you and your autistic child have a good time and enjoy the holidays.

5 Quick Tips for Celebrating Holidays with an Autistic Child

The holidays are a break to look forward to for most kids, but this time of year can be both exciting and overwhelming for children, especially those with an autism diagnosis. Whether it’s due to an unexpected change in schedule, overstimulation, or just the stress of the holiday season, this time of year can be challenging for autistic children.

Below, we have compiled a list of holiday tips to help your autistic child (and all children really!) manage the stress of the season so that your family can focus on what’s most important, enjoying time together.

1. Preparing to Support Your Autistic Child During the Holidays

The first thing you should do if you are planning a holiday trip, event, or gathering is ensure that your autistic child understands what might happen. Autistic children may not deal with change well, so it’s important to give them the tools to cope with the change to routine they might experience during this time of year. You can do things like, take them to visit somewhere before the event. For example, if a sibling is in a holiday program, you might take your child to visit the space before the day of the program several times, and explain to them what will take place. You can do that by showing them photos, and talking to your child about what to expect. Additionally, you can read them books about similar situations or show them photos of a place you plan to visit beforehand. 

2. Communication with others and your child is important

During the holidays, we often see family or friends that we haven’t seen for some time. Your family and friends may not be aware of your child’s unique needs or may not have an understanding or awareness of autism more broadly. Be sure to communicate to your family and friends ahead of a gathering or event, letting them know how to best communicate with your child, and what to expect in terms of your child’s needs.

You should also make them aware of how your child can react to certain situations so that if your child reacts in a way that your friends and family are not used to, they are not caught off guard or take offense. You can also teach your family members how to assist if a meltdown occurs, or at least let them know what you, as the parent, will do to manage the situation. For example, a child who is overstimulated may walk away to avoid the stimulus, which may be confusing to those who don’t know this is how your child will react.

3. Plan or take part in autism-friendly events and activities

Many holiday events can be crowded, loud, bright, and overall overstimulating for a child with autism. Seek opportunities for sensory friendly events that might better meet the needs of your child and family. If autism friendly events are not available, try to attend an event early, or avoid peak periods so that the event is quieter and easier to manage for your child and family. Devices like earplugs or noise-canceling headphones can also be helpful during large events.

4. Plan an “easy escape” to give your child a break from the stimulation

There may be certain holiday events that are difficult to decline or change to suit your child’s needs, such as religious services. If you are attending an event like this with an autistic child, make sure to seat yourself and your child near an exit. If your child becomes overstimulated, you can temporarily leave the event to give them the time and space they need to engage in a calming activity. If a meltdown is taking place, being seated near an exit will allow you to leave the event entirely without causing too much disruption.

5. Have fun!

Remember the holiday season is about enjoying time with family. Try to avoid feeling the pressure to do what others are doing. Do what works for you and your family, whatever that may look like, as long as you are having fun!

Learn more about autism and our Lighthouse Fusion® program

We hope these tips have made navigating autism and the holidays easier for you and your child. Two more ways to help you and your child navigate through life are our autism resources and Lighthouse Fusion ABA therapy program. Explore these materials and learn about all the ways Lighthouse Autism Centers can assist you and your loved one.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

Tips for Spotting a Meltdown and How to Handle It

Autism meltdowns are often confused with temper tantrums but while they may appear similar, they are fundamentally different and require a unique approach. Discover the key features of an autistic meltdown and the best strategies to prevent, prepare, and recover from them.

How to Respond to Autism Meltdowns

Autism related meltdowns are sometimes involuntary responses to overwhelming/overstimulating situations, feelings, or environments. When an autistic individual becomes overwhelmed or overstimulated by a situation, they may experience extreme distress and temporarily lose control of their behavior. This can trigger a fight, flight, or freeze response, making it difficult for the individual to regulate their sensory processing and behavioral responses. This could be expressed verbally (shouting, screaming, crying), physically (kicking, lashing out, biting), or in several other ways.

What triggers autism related meltdowns? The exact triggers will be unique to each person, and should be analyzed by specialists to come up with very specific responses, but triggers generally fall into the following categories: sensory overload, changes in routine, anxiety, and communication difficulties. 

Today, we’re taking a look at the key features of an autism related meltdowns and the best strategies to prevent, prepare, and recover from them.

Autism meltdown vs. temper tantrum

If your child is having an meltdown, it may look like a normal “temper tantrum”. It’s important to know, however, that while they may appear similar, a meltdown is not a temper tantrum and should not be treated as such. 

While tantrums are most common among neurotypical children, autistic individuals can experience meltdowns throughout their lives. Next, tantrums are generally goal-oriented and occur in response to an unfulfilled desire. In contrast, meltdowns are related to a trigger, and are often not a voluntary response. Finally, meltdowns are not “bad” or “naughty” and should not be punished. Remember that the child or individual experiencing a meltdown is in a state of overstimulation. They will require immediate support both before, during, and after.

This means that meltdowns are more intense, more emotional, longer-lasting, and more difficult to manage than the average tantrum. 

Qualities of an autism meltdown

There are a number of autism meltdown signs that can help you recognize when you’re dealing with a meltdown and take the necessary steps to either prevent it or support your child through it. 

Autism related meltdowns are characterized by the following features:

Meltdowns are preceded by signs of distress

Autistic meltdowns begin with warning signals such as external signs of distress. This includes physiological and behavioral changes, that can either be obvious or subtle. 

Meltdowns involve intense stimming

Signs of distress may include or progress to “stims” (self-stimulatory behaviors) such as rocking, pacing, finger flicking, and slapping. Stims are often self-calming techniques used to help regulate anxiety or sensory input. Intense stimming or other obvious signs of agitation indicate that a meltdown is imminent. 

Supporting your loved one during a meltdown

Once you’ve reached this phase, you’ll need to know how to calm an autistic child during a meltdown, rather than try to put a stop to it. During this phase, your child’s behavior may become explosive and uncontrolled. As such, it’s important that they are moved to a safe, quiet environment, that the triggers are stopped as quickly as possible, and that they are provided with both support and space to work through it in their own time and way. This is not the time to reason, redirect, or teach new lessons or coping skills.

Generally speaking, the focus should be on sensory and emotional support. This includes:

  • Staying calm and creating a safe environment.
  • Keeping your own frustration or distress in check.
  • Reducing verbal communication by using visual representations and “yes” or “no” questions.
  • Decreasing sensory stimulation by reducing sensory input in the environment (dimming the lights, turning off the radio/TV etc.).

Meltdowns can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the severity of the trigger and the way it is managed. Once you enter the recovery stage, your child is likely to feel vulnerable and emotionally exhausted. Your continued love and support are necessary as your child may be embarrassed or ashamed at their autism and anger outbursts. It is important to keep in mind that the meltdown was completely involuntary and to reassure them that everything will be okay. It is best not to discuss the incident immediately, as this could retrigger them, but to wait until they are fully rested, recovered, and calm.

Unlock your child’s potential with Lighthouse Autism Center

Explore more helpful autism resources available from the Lighthouse Autism Center. Here, you’ll also discover our innovative model and creative approach, Lighthouse fusion ABA therapy, which combines the best practices of behavior analysis and speech therapy to help your child progress in a safe, fun environment.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

Choosing Gifts for an Autistic Child

Choosing a gift for a loved one can be challenging, and this task is even harder for someone with special needs. We take a look at the different things you should keep in mind when choosing a gift for a young autistic person, and share some gift ideas as well.

What To Gift an Autistic Child

Choosing the right gift for someone can sometimes be pretty daunting. This undertaking can be even more difficult for parents, family members, or friends of an autistic person. To help you answer this question and choose a gift that they will love, take a look at our gift-giving advice below.

How to choose a gift for an autistic child or teenager

Regardless of their age, choosing gifts for autistic children or teenagers can be a challenge for various reasons. Some individuals with autism struggle with communication, meaning that if you ask them what gift they want (or don’t want), they may be unable to express their desires effectively. Others may have specific sensory needs that you need to factor in when picking a present. If these examples resonate with you, or there are other possible reasons making gift buying difficult, here are some tips that can help you pick the perfect gift:

When in doubt, ask

Even if the child or teenager you are buying a gift for struggles to communicate their wants, it’s usually a good idea to start by asking them. If this doesn’t work, you can always ask a parent (if they aren’t your child) or someone else who spends a lot of time with them, like a caregiver or a teacher, what they think. They may be able to give you valuable advice on what gift to purchase.

Work with their specific interests

When deciding what is a good gift for an autistic child or teenager, it’s important to have an idea of what their favorite hobbies or activities are. While some autistic children struggle with ADHD, others are hyper-focused on certain interests, sometimes to the detriment of other important things in their lives. Learn what their interests are and choose an appropriate item from that hobby or activity. For example, if the child or teenager has a passion for animals, consider getting them a stuffed toy of their favorite creature. You can make this gift even better by considering a weighted version of the same toy, as weighted items can help regulate their mood.

They may not like surprises

While many children love surprises, many don’t. This includes many young autistic people, who may become anxious or upset when presented with a surprise gift. This may be because they don’t know what is inside or simply because they don’t know how they should react. If you are unsure, ask a parent, family member, or caregiver how they might react. Consider avoiding wrapping the gift so the person receiving it can see exactly what it is.

Be careful to avoid anything that might overload their senses

Children or teens who have autism often struggle with sensory issues, which is why it’s important to carefully consider any gift to avoid picking something that might overwhelm their senses. This may be an audio sensitivity or discomfort brought on by bright lights or certain textures. It may be a combination of these and other sensory issues for some. For example, some may struggle with the sound of a toy car or even the wrapping paper that a gift is wrapped in.

Consider items from specialists

As awareness and education around autism increases, so does the number of specialists offering toys, autism resources and other items specially designed for an autistic child or teenager’s needs. So if you’re ever struggling to decide what to get an autistic child for their birthday or what to get an autistic child for Christmas, check a specialist store to see what it has on offer.

Even a well-thought-out gift may not be well received

Despite your best efforts, sometimes the young person you are giving the gift to may not react with joy upon receiving it. Some may have a neutral reaction, while others may share their disappointment or even unhappiness if it isn’t exactly what they expected. Even if you spent hours researching the perfect gift, you might discover it’s not the right brand or it isn’t right for their collection, which results in this response.

Gift ideas

While it would be nice to simply know what the best gifts are for an autistic 2-year-old, what are perfect gifts for an autistic 4-year-old, or even what you could buy for a teenager with autism that they will undoubtedly love, there’s, unfortunately, no guarantee when it comes to buying gifts for many young autistic people. A young person may be at a developmental stage that differs from their biological age. Moreover, their individual preferences will also play a major role in choosing a gift. This is why it’s so important to do your homework when choosing a gift for someone who has autism. 

That being said, here are some ideas for autistic children and teenagers that you may find useful and that they may enjoy.

For children

Here are some of the best gifts for autistic kids:

  • Chew toys – These chewable items are useful for an autistic child to calm down and self-regulate.
  • Fidget toys – From cubes to spinners to pop-its, there are a wide variety of fidget toys to help keep kids’ hands busy, while also developing their fine motor skills.
  • Sensory mats – These mats can be used to simulate the range of textures a child would experience in a more natural environment and can be a great way to expose a child to different surfaces and improve their cognitive functions.
  • Tangle toy – This is another toy that can be used to keep the child busy but can also help relieve stress through repetitive, twisting motions.
  • Weighted stuffed toys – Many children love stuffed toys, but weighted toys have an added advantage in helping children with sensory issues better regulate their moods and calm themselves down.

For teenagers

Here are some gift ideas for older kids and teenagers who have autism:

  • Board games – Board games are not only fun but are a great way for teenagers to develop their social skills, concentration, and many other faculties.
  • Crash pads – Crash pads can be a great way for young folks with sensory issues to have fun and develop their sensory awareness.
  • Hanging cocoon chairs – Apart from being extremely comfortable, hanging cocoon chairs can help teenagers calm themselves by creating a sensory “cocoon” around them.
  • Noise-canceling ear muffs or headphones – These are beneficial to anyone who is sensitive to specific sounds and can help lower anxiety levels of those who are sensitive to noise.
  • Sensory lamps – At a glance, these might appear like lava lamps to most people, but these sensory lamps can provide a calming effect on autistic people.

Happy gift shopping!

We hope our advice and gift ideas have provided you with a good starting point to purchase a present for your autistic friend, family member, or loved one.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

Winter Activities for Your Child with Autism

Autism-Friendly Outdoor Activities

Winter in the Midwest is often unpredictable, cold, and filled with snow. For parents, finding winter activities for your child with autism can be a challenging. While the snow can be a fun and welcome activity for children, other times, the bitter cold can prevent children from playing outside. So, how do we keep children and children with autism busy during the cold winter months?

A child wearing a pink hat, jacket, scarf and gloves holding a small ball of snow in her hands.

Outdoor Activities

When the temperature is a lovely 35 degrees (which is quite warm in this area during the winter months!) and there is a fresh blanket of snow, here are just a few activities to try with your child with autism.

  • Build a snowman – this can be a wonderful activity that your child can do independently or as a family. Consider building a replica of a favorite character or naming your snowman. Be sure to always explain that a snowman is only temporary and will melt when it gets warmer!
  • Sledding – get your child active by finding a park (be sure to find a safe space!) where your child can enjoy a trip sledding down a hill. A favorite past-time of most, this is sure to be something your child with autism will enjoy as well. Consider getting a sled big enough for two people so your child can sled with the assistance of an adult.
  • Frozen Water Balloons – fill balloons with different color water (just add food coloring!) to make a fun and beautiful display in your yard. Fill the balloons with water and place them outside. Within a few hours you should have a beautiful display of frozen water.
  • Make Snow Angels – this can be a great sensory activity in the winter for children with autism!
  • Take a Drive – go look at all the Christmas decorations in your neighborhood.
  • Go for a Nature Walk – being outside in the winter can be one of the most calming activities for children with autism. It provides them an open space to run, play and explore without the stimulation of indoor environments. If the temperatures are agreeable, bundle up and head outside to a nearby park or trail.
  • Paint the Snow – a fun and creative alternative to playing in the snow is to paint it. Simply fill some squirt bottles with water and food coloring (make sure you use a lot!), then turn the snow into your canvas.

Indoor Activities

When the weather turns bitter cold or there are several inches of snow on the ground, you may find your child’s school closed and a house full of children. Here are a few ideas to keep your child with autism (and all of your children!) occupied when they are stuck inside:

  • Pajama Day – consider letting your child have a lazy day in pajamas. Make them their favorite breakfast and let them watch a favorite movie or TV show.
  • Mall Visit – If the kids (and you!) are itching to get out of the house, take a trip to the mall. Make a game of walking around the mall to get some steps in and energy out. If you are able, let your child pick out a new toy or item once you have done so many trips around the mall.
  • Movie Day – this can be done at a local theater or at home. If you want to get out of the house, take advantage of discounted matinee prices and take the kids to see a favorite movie. Pop some popcorn at home and bring that jumbo size purse to provide some affordable snacks at the theater.
  • Indoor Snowball Fight – you can buy fake snowballs or create them using crunched newspaper.
  • Make Pretend Snow – bring the snow inside by combining 2 ½ cups of pure baking soda with ½ cup of conditioner in a bowl and mix together. Show your child how to make snowballs and build a snowman together inside! Show them how to play with this new texture and encourage them to tell you what they are thinking as they touch and shape the pretend snow. This is a great sensory activity for your child with autism.
  • Build an Indoor Fort – gather your sheets, blankets, cushions and pillows for a magical afternoon at home. You can even create a “fort kit” box for that very purpose. Prepare your child’s favorites a snacks, read a few books, and even encourage a nap – everything is more fun in a fort.

For children with autism, on days when school or an ABA therapy center is closed, be sure to do your best to keep a routine and follow through on skills and activities they are working on at home. ABA is meant to be consistent, and can only be successful if parents do their best to practice many of the same ABA skills that your child does at their ABA center at home.

Additional Resources:

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

Tips for Picky Eaters and Introducing New Foods

Children with autism may be labeled picky eaters, but the truth is that they face a unique set of challenges around mealtimes. Discover helpful tips on introducing new foods and expanding your child’s diet in a way that is more enjoyable for everyone at the table.

Tips for Introducing New Foods and Healthy Eating Habits

If you’re tired of googling “best foods for picky eaters” and ending up frustrated after mealtimes, it may be time to take a different approach. People with autism may be sensitive to the taste, smell, color, and texture of foods. Because of this, they may limit or avoid particular foods or even whole food groups. 

A child in high chair eating a plate of fries, cucumber and meat.

Of course, you already understand the importance of consuming a well-rounded diet with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Recent studies have shown that children with autism-related symptoms are five times more likely to demonstrate atypical eating behaviors, including narrow food selections, ritualistic eating behavior, and meal-related tantrums, which can make getting the necessary nutrients a challenge.

Today, we’re looking at how to expand your child’s food choices by addressing underlying anxiety, inflexibility, and sensory issues. We’ll share some of our best picky eater tips for parents to help reduce problematic mealtime behaviors and the stress that accompanies them. You might even be inspired with a few school lunch ideas!

Picky eating vs. food rejection

While it’s common for autism to affect your child’s eating habits, it’s important to understand that there is a significant difference between what is colloquially considered “picky eating” and the unique challenges that children on the autism spectrum face. Most children, especially toddlers, go through stages where they refuse certain foods because of taste, smell, or texture. Generally, this is something they grow out of. 

Children on the spectrum, however, aren’t just “being difficult.” Problematic mealtime behaviors may be a result of sensory issues, underdeveloped oral motor musculature (which makes certain textures troublesome), GI issues they aren’t able to communicate, the need for routine, or challenges with trying new things in general.

Another factor that contributes to the idea that autistic children are picky eaters is the myth of “high functioning autism,” which suggests that an individual who excels academically or is socially competent has “high function.” However, autistic children with high intelligence or excellent social skills are still likely to struggle with daily tasks like brushing their teeth, making decisions, or telling time. When children seen as “high functioning” struggle with eating certain foods, their behavior can be misconstrued as merely “being difficult.”

If left untreated, unhealthy mealtime behaviors may continue to escalate. Parents are often overwhelmed by a number of challenges at the same time. These issues may take precedence over feeding difficulties, and parents may find themselves relying on the few foods their child is willing to eat to avoid negative backlash. The longer feeding issues are allowed to continue, however, the more difficult and time-consuming it may be to help your child develop healthy eating habits.

Everyone knows how challenging changing your eating habits can be, and this is especially true for autistic children. Because they may hyper-focus on certain foods while refusing to try others, both behavioral therapy and nutritional therapy may be necessary. This will help adjust symptoms that may otherwise become maladaptive behaviors, as well as ensure you are working towards a well-balanced diet.

Ruling out medical issues

Common gastrointestinal issues associated with food rejection include acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea, and eosinophilic esophagitis. Autistic children are just as likely to suffer the same GI disorders as other children, but the difference is that they may not be able to localize or verbalize their discomfort. If a child senses or fears that a specific food may trigger pain, they are likely to refuse it, become suspicious of it, or throw tantrums. 

This makes it important for parents to be proactive in discovering the source of their child’s discomfort. A pediatric gastroenterologist can help rule out medical issues.

Techniques for expanding your child’s diet

1. Start small

Your child most likely has a select few favorite foods. When introducing new foods, or previously rejected foods, you can create a positive association by introducing minuscule amounts of these foods alongside their pre-established favorites. The first time, they may not necessarily eat the food, but they can still get used to its presence and appearance. Even if they don’t want to try it, you can encourage them to touch, smell, and explore the food. The next time, you might ask them to try a single bite and praise them for being willing to try.

2. Try desensitization practices

If your child has strongly rejected a certain food, but you feel it is necessary as part of a healthy diet, or it’s a staple in your household, you’ll need to reintroduce the food even more slowly, using a desensitizing technique. For example, if your child hates apples, start by placing apples in the house. Next, bring an apple into the room during playtime. This way, they can get used to the food without having to eat it. After a while, you might place some apples on the table during meals without requiring them to touch or eat them. Next, put a slice of apple on their plate. When they are okay with the apple slice on their plate, and their original feelings of aversion have been resolved, invite them to try a bite.

3. Offer choices and control

No one likes to be told what to eat, and sometimes, your child will simply not like a food – this is completely natural. To accommodate this and give your child the opportunity to exercise healthy control, offer a wide variety of choices (within the necessary categories that form a well-balanced meal), and allow them to decide. For instance, when choosing dinner, allow your child to choose one ingredient from a variety of vegetables, starches, and proteins. If you’re making a curry, stew, or pasta dish, ask them to add one “mystery” ingredient to the dish for the other family members to discover. They might choose chicken, broccoli, or beans, for instance.

4. Adjust textures

Hypersensitivity to textures is a common occurrence in people on the spectrum and can show up during mealtimes. Often, it’s the way a food feels in the mouth, not its flavor, that produces a strong aversion to certain foods. The crunchy texture of an apple or the squishy texture of a freshly sliced tomato is a classic example. Luckily, there are a multitude of ways to prepare foods and also a variety of healthy substitutes. Pears, for example, are much softer than apples, and apples could also be served stewed. Tomatoes can be blended or chopped finely into salsa or cooked into a sauce and served over pasta or as a dip for potato wedges.

One of the best ways to get picky eaters to eat veggies is to prepare them in a new and exciting way or work them into other dishes where they are not as easily distinguishable. For example, you could grate zucchini into oatmeal, add broccoli to homemade chicken nuggets, or blend leafy greens into smoothies without anyone noticing.

5. Set realistic goals

Mealtimes shouldn’t be a battleground, so be sure to manage your emotions, adjust your expectations, and set realistic goals. Many children need to taste a food more than a dozen times before they’re willing to eat it without any fuss. Autistic children with food aversions may take longer, so be sure to practice patience and create a safe environment for your child to explore new foods. 

There are likely a number of behaviors that require some practice when it comes to mealtimes, so rather than trying to correct them all within a single meal, break them into individual goals. Then prioritize those goals and address them one at a time. Are you trying to increase the variety of foods your child consumes? The amount they eat? Correct disruptive behavior at the table? Identify your primary target, make the target known to both your child and other caretakers, and focus meals on progressing in that area. 

If, for instance, your child barely eats two or three bites at a meal, it’s unreasonable to expect them to clear their plate, and it’s probably not the best time to start introducing new or previously rejected foods. Instead, try increasing their intake by one bite per meal, and be sure to praise their success rather than piling more expectations on them because you think the meal is going well.

Lastly, expect a certain amount of resistance. This might include crying or whining, verbal aggression, and/or disruptive behaviors. The presence of these things doesn’t mean you’re not making progress, so adjust your expectations accordingly and don’t give up or give in.

Other things that can help reduce anxiety around mealtimes include:

  • Role modeling healthy eating behaviors
  • Consistent and enjoyable mealtime routines
  • Making changes to how you prepare and/or present previously rejected foods
  • Playing with and exploring new and/or previously rejected foods
  • Praising every sign of progress, no matter how small

Take a multifaceted approach

Like many things, it may take a multifaceted approach to see a significant difference when it comes to picky eating and autism. With time, consistency, and patience, however, you and your little one are sure to experience incredible progress.

Discover more helpful autism resources

Games and Activities for Children with Autism, Asperger’s and Sensory Processing Disorders

Developmental Games for Autistic Kids

Sensory activities involve toys, games and activities that stimulate the senses. Sensory play is important for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who often struggle processing sensory information. Children with autism are often sensitive to certain sounds or lights, or even certain textures. Sensory activities for kids with autism are important to help regulate the sensory system. Engaging children with autism in sensory activities is beneficial for the development of several skills, including:

  • Language skills. Engaging in pretend play helps develop a child’s language skills by increasing their vocabulary as they discuss their experiences.
  • Fine motor skills. Manipulating small objects not only aids in hand-eye coordination, but it also helps strengthen the muscles in a child’s hands and wrists, which in turn helps develop their fine motor skills.
  • Gross motor skills. Encouraging kids to practice their running, jumping, and throwing skills through pretend sensory play is an excellent way to develop their gross motor skills by strengthening their large muscles through fun body movements.
  • Social skills. Engaging in pretend play with peers doesn’t just build little imaginations. It also teaches important skills like sharing and taking turns!
  • Self-control. Sensory play helps develop a child’s ability to respond appropriately to sensory stimulation, which helps enhance their self-control and self-regulation.

Try a range of activities to stimulate all of the five senses – touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing.

The list below has been compiled by Autism Speaks for children with Autism, Aspergers, and Sensory Processing Disorders. There are several sensory friendly toys as well as specific online games and activities designed for children with autism.

Animal Agentz
Fun and interactive computer learning tool to help children manage and overcome stress, anxiety and poor concentration. Children interact with a family of bright and colorful animal characters who teach them important coping skills to help them manage stressful situations.

Autism Toys and More
Autism toys, books, puzzles, games, and resources for parents and professionals. Categories include: fine motor skills, focus and attention, cognitive development, sensory, social/pretend play, and more!

Automoblox award-winning line of mix-n-match, wooden toy cars have been used as an important learning tool for children with autism.

Award-winning BionicBlox invents building and construction products for 2D and 3D sensory and educational play.  The open-ended, captivating press together blocks and connectors provide enhanced stimulation.  The size and durability of children’s masterpieces promotes social processes through collaborative play.

bluedominoes: Shaping A Healthier Playtime
bluedomines’ Activity Dough and Finger Prints are the first art supplies product to receive approval from the Celiac Sprue and acceptance by the Feingold Association. Both of our products are gluten free, artificial color free, bromine free and heavy metal free.

Discovery Toys: A Link to Learning for Children with Autism
Discovery Toys interfaced with the famous Princeton Child Development Institute to develop an Autism Support Project. This project has created toys to develop independent play with some limited instruction, toys that promote sustained engagement, toys that build skills for cooperative play, toys that create opportunities for children to talk about their play experience, toys with obvious completion criteria and more!

Fun and Function
Fun and Function was founded by a mom who also happens to be an occupational therapist. Her goal in starting the company was to fill a void for a lack of high quality toys, games and therapy products geared towards special needs children. provides children with special needs outstanding products to enable them to reach their fullest potential.

Her Interactive: Nancy Drew Adventure Games
Her Interactive is the leading mystery-maker and pioneer of fun and inspiring interactive entertainment. Her Interactive’s Nancy Drew games have sold more than 9 million copies. Nancy Drew players now include moms who have introduced their daughters to the girl detective, making her one of history’s longest-running iconic figures spanning generations. As the number-one PC mystery franchise since 2004, unit sales of the Nancy Drew series have exceeded those of Harry Potter, Myst and Tomb Raider.

Smartly-designed products for happy parenting. Packed with smarts, full of fun and ready for the daily adventures of parenting, we’ve created a line of products to help you and your little ones grow together. They’ve all been thoughtfully designed and smartly styled, from tip to toe, to make this whole parenting thing less of a job and more of a joy. Here’s to happy!

Make Beliefs Comix
Come visit, where parents and children can create their own comic strips online and practice writing, ready and storytelling. Parents and teachers of autistic children are using the site to communicate more effectively with their children by creating comic strips to teach and convey information to them.

Me and My World™ Social Skills Board Games and Curriculum 
The set of 6 unique themed puzzle cut game boards (Dragon, Pirate, Space Alien, Castle, Zoo Adventure and Sea Life are interchangeable with any of the Me and My World Game Card Decks. The Me and My World Curriculum includes more than 50 lessons that are aligned with the American School Standards for Students. Each lesson addresses a specific objective, includes several activities and recommends children’s stories to use.

Melissa and Doug
Over 2,000 unique and exciting products for children of all ages. Our promise is to make each and every customer a happy and permanent member of the Melissa & Doug family, while offering products with tremendous value, quality and design. Our line offers something for everyone!

OZMO Fun Toys for Autism and Other Special Interests
Created by parents of an adult with autism and OCD to encourage easy, safe, wonderful fun with toys, books, puzzles, sensory and special interest items all geared toward individuals with autism.

Piano Wizard
Piano Wizard is an amazingly simple video game that can teach anyone from 3-103 how to play the piano and read music in minutes. With a digital piano hooked up to your PC or Mac, you’re playing real keyboard within seconds of sitting in front of a song. The game’s 4-step method has won awards for its simplicity. Even a 3-year-old can play Step 1 and by the time you finish Step 4, you’re reading real musician notation. After Step 4, we’ve seen kids go straight to real piano, and find themselves playing the same song effortlessly.

Pick and Draw
Pick and Draw is a fun, one-of-a-kind drawing game that teaches you how to make very creative cartoon faces. It is simple and easy to use providing endless hours of fun and learning. In five minutes or less you will know how to play!

PlayAbility Toys
A world of special toys for special kids. PlayAbility Toys is THE source of fun, unique toys that are developmentally appropriate for all young children and in particular children with special needs! The company specifically designs and markets toys that have many sensory features that incorporate auditory, tactile, visual, and motor stimulation.

Playtime with Zeebu
Bring the world of Playtime with Zeebu home to play! Our goal at Thought Bubble Productions is to make the connection between you and your child/student purposeful.

Raise Your Rainbow® Health Eating Tool
Raise Your Rainbow® is an interactive game that motivates children to eat fruits and vegetables. Kids track the fruits and vegetables they eat throughout the day using the colorful rainbow band magnets – when all 5 bands have been raised to form a complete rainbow, they win! Raise Your Rainbow® is easy to play, fun for kids, and promotes healthy eating. Play right on the fridge or portable for tabletop – also comes with food list by color.

SimplyFun Board Games
Simply Fun offers award winning educational board games for all ages. Our board games are unique and can not be found in stores, they are easy to learn and fun to play, they are designed for learning and connecting, and they are high quality. We have a great deal to offer to parents and families of loved ones with autism and other special needs.

Special Needs Toys 
We are providers of carefully selected fun products designed to help you or those in your care enjoy life, and achieve more. Use this site and our catalog to stimulate your imagination, begin programs, or reinforce encouraged behaviors.  There is a lot that we can achieve…while having Fun. We are committed to offering the best customer service available.

The Speech Bin
We have tons of fun, new games to improve speaking and listening skills!

Stages Learning

Stages Learning Materials was founded by a UCLA trained ABA Therapist in 1997, when Autism diagnosis first began to rise. Our top-selling autism education product, the Language Builder Picture Cards, was designed to specifically meet the learning needs of the individual with Autism. The Language Builder Series has become a staple in home and school programs across the world. Today Stages offers a full range of real photo products for autism education. Stages products are found in pre-schools, day care centers, early childhood classrooms, autism programs, speech language programs, and homes around the world.

The Step2® Company, LLC, headquartered in Streetsboro, Ohio, is the largest American manufacturer of preschool and toddler toys and the world’s largest rotational molder of plastics. Our mission is to be the leading innovator of children’s products that build imaginations and enrich the family’s celebration of childhood.

Topobo for Children with Autism and ASD
Topobo is the world’s first construction toy with kinetic memory, the ability to record and playback physical motion! Research studies with autistic children show that, in comparison to passive blocks, Topobo leads to far more cooperative & parallel play, increased observational behavior, and reduced solitary play patterns.

Toys”R”Us Toy Guide for Differently Abled Kids
Toys selected by experts to aid in the development of children with physical and cognitive disabilities.

WonderWorx LLC
WonderWorx invents products for musical, sensory and educational play – and unique pieces for parks, gardens, schools and museums. These imaginative creations combine splashes of sound, color, music or motion to stimulate the senses and encourage social, cooperative interaction.

ZAC Browser: Zone for Autistic Children
ZAC is the first web browser developed specifically for children with autism spectrum disorders. Come find the best environment on the internet for your autistic child!

Zigo Leader Carrier Bike System
Our Mission is to provide human powered vehicles, strollers, and bicycle trailers for use by active parents or other caregivers along with their children. The Company’s first product, the Zigo® Leader™ Carrier Bicycle System,can operate as a three-wheeled carrier bicycle, a stroller, jogging stroller, urban bicycle, or trailer, converting among these modes in under one minute.

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Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

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