What’s Next After ABA Therapy?

Therapy room at Lighthouse Autism Center with toys on a table with blue chairs and book shelves above

What’s Next After ABA Therapy?

There are a number of reasons why an autistic child might stop ABA therapy, and one is that they have reached their goals. In this article, we take a look at what parents can expect going forward.

A man with gray hair and a beard wearing a red shirt smiling stood holding his son wearing a blue shirt and backpack

What Are the Next Steps After ABA Graduation?

As a parent, you only want what’s best for your child. Lighthouse fusion ABA therapy provides a sound structure and guided process that is integral to your child’s daily routine. So, it’s understandable that some parents find the future after ABA graduation daunting. 

Once your child has reached their specified ABA therapy goals, it’s time for them to take the next steps in their journey. But it’s important to understand that you and your child won’t be doing this alone. 

This article will provide more insight into ABA goals, the importance of monitoring and tracking achievements, knowing when to stop ABA therapy, and the potential next steps after graduation. 

What are the goals of ABA?

Every ABA program begins with an in-depth assessment by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). From here, the program is tailored to suit every child’s individual abilities, preferences, interests, and requirements. Family circumstances are also taken into account. 

ABA therapy goals for autism will also depend on the skill level and age of the child. In general, the following skill areas will be targeted: 

  • Language and communication 
  • Social abilities 
  • Self-care 
  • Enjoyment and relaxing 
  • Movement 
  • Learning and school readiness skills 

A goal and treatment program will be designed to develop each of these skills in short, clear, and concise steps. Short-term goals will be set for every session, while long-term goals are the main aim of what the therapist and client are working towards. 

When to stop ABA therapy? 

How long does ABA therapy last, and how do you know when to stop? These are common client questions when starting out with ABA therapy, and while every program depends on the individual needs of every child, ABA therapy isn’t a lifelong commitment. Given the vast difference in each child with autism, the intensity of services might vary from 5-10 hours per week to focus on specific skills, to 30-40 hours per week of intensive therapy for a more comprehensive treatment plan. It is not uncommon for children to be in services for 2-3 years and then fade out over time.   

A therapist will collect data during each session and track the child’s progress. They will have regular meetings with parents and might suggest discontinuing ABA therapy in the following cases: 

  • The child has met the goals set out for them. 
  • They are learning new skills spontaneously from their environment without the need for direct instruction. 
  • Parents are able to teach strategies and implement behavior plans at home without the need for a therapist. 

A therapist could also recommend that a child stop ABA therapy if they are not progressing over time and other treatments might be warranted, or if there is disagreement with the parents on the treatment plan. 

Recognizing progress and achievements

Recognizing progress and achievements is critical when determining whether a child should stop ABA therapy. Therapists must track and evaluate developments and assess the goals that the child has met. This is crucial as children hit new milestones, as therapists must reassess and re-evaluate new skill sets and identify areas where improvement needs to be made.  

If there has been significant improvement and development in targeted behaviors and skills, and the child demonstrates consistent and independent functioning across a number of scenarios, then it could indicate that they are ready to transition to the next step. 

Regular assessments and tracking achievements of ABA therapy aren’t just about evaluating skill acquisition but also about determining whether this progress can be maintained over time. To reach a point where continued therapy is no longer necessary, the child must demonstrate that their progress won’t stop when therapy stops and that their newly acquired skills will be carried forward with them.  

Progress, overall development, functional independence, and the ability to retain skills and spontaneously learn new ones are all considered when deciding whether a child should stop ABA therapy. 

Potential next steps

It’s critical for professional teams and parents to continually assess whether the goals and strategies of their current ABA therapy align with the child’s evolving needs. In some cases, other support services or interventions may be more appropriate.  

As an autistic child develops and reaches a certain level of skills and achievement in ABA therapy, it could be time to reduce the intensity and frequency of the therapy. In this case, your child might transition to less intensive support and gradually decrease the number of therapy sessions that they attend. It could also simply mean moving from one-on-one therapy to a group support system or maintaining skills across various natural environments. 

Every child’s ongoing needs and opportunities are considered as ABA therapy fades out, and new goals and activities will become the main focus. Your child’s readiness for transition will be continually monitored, and we will continue to support and assist once your child has reduced or discontinued ABA therapy. 

One of the primary ABA goals for most autistic children is transitioning back into a school environment. In order to prepare for this transition, our therapists will try to mirror an individual’s school day as closely as possible. Communication with teachers and parents allows them to create scenarios like circle time, independent work time, snack time, and more.  

They will work on teaching your child classroom etiquette, such as raising their hand and waiting for their teacher to call on them. Working on social skills, such as saying “my turn to talk” or when to let other children talk, or learning how to express their feelings effectively, is essential when going into what can be an overwhelming classroom environment. 

It’s important to continue providing children with the tools they need for the classroom even after they have arrived. Feedback from parents and teachers can help us to recognize where your child is thriving and where they need some more support. 

Ultimately, we want to be able to bridge the transition between ABA therapy and whatever path comes next for your child with as little disruption as possible. 

Take the next steps with Lighthouse Autism Center

Our clients come before anything else, and we are always thrilled when they meet their goals and can move on to the next step from ABA therapy. However, we are also invested in ensuring that the journey ahead is as smooth as possible by equipping autistic children and their parents and caregivers with the right tools and autism resources.  

Armed with the knowledge and strategies from LAC, caregivers and parents can create a nurturing, supportive environment for autistic children that fosters growth and continues to empower them once they have graduated from ABA therapy. 

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

ASD Classroom Difficulties

Autistic children face a number of challenges when they are learning in a traditional classroom. We go through some of the more common difficulties faced, as well as how best to support them in the classroom.

A child with black hair who has his arms crossed and head resting on a stack of books on a desk at school

Why Do Autistic Children Struggle With Learning In Typical Classroom Settings?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) manifests in individuals uniquely and will vary from child to child. However, one of the common challenges is difficulty learning in a regular classroom setting. For many years, schools and autism did not go hand in hand. However, as society finally starts to embrace the concept of neurodiversity, more teachers are learning how to empower and support students with autism in schools. 

This blog explores the common challenges faced when learning with autism, how parents, caretakers, and teachers can support autistic children in the classrooms, and what classroom accommodations should be in place for autistic students. 

How does autism affect learning?

Before delving into the unique challenges of autism in the classroom, it’s critical to acknowledge that autistic children don’t have difficulty due to a lack of cognitive ability. Instead, their struggles stem from social-emotional and/or sensorimotor origins. 

The most common ways that autistic children have difficulty in a regular classroom include: 

Fixation on a particular topic or subject

Autistic children tend to develop fascinations, obsessions, passions, or fixations on specific subjects, topics, objects, or interests. This means that they have a narrowly focused area of expertise, leading to a depth of knowledge that can be astounding. However, the narrowed focus can cause challenges when trying to teach them a diverse range of subjects and topics. When engaged and motivated on their subject of choice, autistic students can absolutely master it, but might treat something out of their interest with apathy or resistance. 

Difficulty with social interaction

Autistic students can have difficulty understanding social cues and how to respond to others trying to teach or interact with them. This can impact the initial contact and interaction with others and can also make it hard for them to maintain any kind of social relationship. This can lead to frustration and confusion for both the students, peers,  and their teachers. 

Difficulty processing information

Processing and retaining new information is difficult for an autistic student, which presents challenges in a traditional classroom. Some students will struggle to complete tasks or plan ahead, while others might struggle to break a pattern of thinking and find a new way to approach a problem. 

Communication difficulties

Some autistic children use non-verbal communication, like sign language, picture excahnge, or vocal approximations. This makes it difficult for autistic children to express their thoughts and feelings effectively around people who use primarily verbal communication. 

Another common difficulty that arises is when allistic folks use figurative language (such as idioms and metaphors) or sarcasm, and assume that everybody listening will know what they mean. Autistic folks tend to interpret words literally, which could lead to distressing situations where they do not understand or misinterpret what is being said to them. 

Sensory challenges 

Schools can be places of complete sensory overload. There are hall buzzers, yelling children, whistles, fluorescent lights, and much more. For autistic children who are sensitive to sensory stimulation, this can trigger extreme anxiety and other behaviors. 

Changes in rules, routines, and expectations

Every semester can bring something new to the school. This could be a new classroom, teacher, classmates, or new rules. One teacher might expect children to raise their hands, while another may expect children to come to their desks and talk to them. This can be confusing for autistic children who thrive on rules, routines, and structure.  

Even things as simple as snow days, school trips, and substitute teachers can be overwhelming and disruptive to children who have difficulties adapting to change. 

How to support an autistic child in the classroom

Here are some of the ways teachers, parents, and caregivers can help support an autistic child in the classroom. 

Prepare them for the classroom in advance

Parents, caregivers, and therapists must start working together to prepare the child for the classroom environment. This means establishing and getting them used to the routine that they can expect in class; learning classroom etiquette, such as putting their hands up and waiting to be called on; and schedules, such as snack time or break time; and more. 

Use concrete language and visual aids

Autistic children respond well to clear, concise instructions. Always use explicit, concrete language to explain things that other children might pick up intuitively. Demonstrate for them how they should set up for class and anything else that is expected of them. Autistic children respond best to clear visual cues and in-person demonstrations. 

Establish routines and practice making changes

Rules and routines make many autistic children more comfortable and that the world around them is a little more predictable. Explicitly set out a routine and boundaries and run through them as often as needed. Visual timers and schedules tend to work well, too. 

However, it’s also important to implement small breaks in these routines every now and then. Routines cannot be followed at all times, and teachers can prepare students for this by practicing change with positive reinforcement and comfortable disruptions.  

Work on reducing sensory triggers

Identify what sensory triggers the child has and work out how you can reduce them. Sensory discomfort is a huge disruption in the classroom, and if you can identify and eliminate or lessen what is causing distress, then it takes down a big learning barrier. 

Use a calm tone

Autistic children have difficulties with social cues. So, it’s important that you watch your tone when addressing them. Try to keep a calm, steady tone of voice, particularly when giving them feedback. They could misconstrue any change in tone of voice and respond more to that than the words being delivered. 

Create a team of staff that can help support autistic students

Change is one of the biggest stumbling blocks in school for ASD children. Establish a team of staff across the different departments that can help create a smooth transition for children moving to the next grade, getting a new teacher, or starting a new subject. Different things will work with each child, and it’s critical to have a team to share knowledge on how best to support a smooth transition for every child that is without disruption and trauma. 

How does autism affect students in the classroom?

Of course, the other students in a classroom must be considered when integrating an autistic child into a traditional school setting. If the transition to a classroom environment is not done correctly, then it can be disruptive to everyone involved. However, when done right, the inclusion of autistic children in the classroom environment can offer value to the child, the other students, and the teacher. 

Where classroom accommodations for autism, like noise-canceling headphones, dim lights, peer mentors, and extra time, are sufficient, an inclusive classroom can benefit all of those involved. It’s where accommodations are lacking and support is not given that issues can arise. 

Programs like Lighthouse Fusion ABA therapy play a key role in ensuring that autistic children are prepared for the classroom and continue to be supported there. Creating an inclusive environment in the classroom is a group effort and, when well-supported, can be extremely successful and fulfilling. 

LAC offers the support your child needs for the school transition

At LAC, our therapists work alongside you and your child to help prepare them for their future. We ensure that they have the right practice and support for the school transition and will provide support and autism resources for their general education teachers while they are there. We will devise techniques and accommodations particular to the class they will enter and what is expected of them. This way, we can also tailor their responses and those of the people around them to the challenges they face.  

With the right preparation and in the right environment, inclusive classrooms can be a wonderful place for everyone’s kids. 

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

Autism Tips for Parents: Personal Hygiene

Teaching self-care skills to autistic children presents a number of challenges, as things like bathing and skin care might feel overstimulating or simply not preferred to those on the spectrum. By breaking grooming down into small, manageable steps, and teaching skills early, you can equip your child with the tools they need. 

A child stood looking into a mirror by the sink in a bathroom with a tap running brushing her teeth

Autism Tips for Parents: Teaching Personal Hygiene & Self-Care Skills

Teaching self-care skills to children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) presents a unique set of challenges, as things that feel good to allistic people, such as bathing and skincare, might feel overstimulating to autistic folks. As your child reaches adolescence, the importance of personal hygiene and appearance becomes even more significant. By breaking grooming down into small, manageable steps, and starting early, you can equip your child with the tools they need to move through life. 

Why autistic children undress

It’s not uncommon for children to remove their clothing, both at home and in public, but parents of autistic children tend to have a more challenging time resolving this issue. This isn’t simply a style preference or the dislike of a certain color or garment, though it might be; people with autism are more likely to have an actual clothing sensitivity. If your child is complaining about an irritating seam, uncomfortable fit, or itchy fabric — or if they’re having tantrums or meltdowns when wearing certain clothes — it’s likely caused by a sensory sensitivity. 

This might be frustrating for parents, but it’s important to remember that your child is not being overly dramatic. Their brain is reviewing an overload of signals about the item they are wearing, making it difficult to focus on anything else. In some cases, it can be downright painful. 

Once you understand the reason for clothing removal, you can implement some practical strategies for solving the issue and providing your autistic child with the skills they need. 

How to resolve it

Your child is already dealing with extreme discomfort, so it’s important to be patient and understanding. Rather than forcing a particular item of clothing, offer them one or two choices — each with a different fabric or fit. This allows them to be in control of the situation, which already makes them more willing to deal with discomfort as they have chosen the item themselves. 

What you can do is provide sensory-friendly clothing. They might dislike jeans because they are too stiff or a certain sweater because it makes them itchy. Instead, get to know their particular sensitivities and provide a selection of clothing in soft, comfortable fabrics, avoiding possible irritations like lace or constrictive garments. Consider seamless socks and underwear, tag-less shirts, buttonless pants, and hypoallergenic fabrics. 

Help resolve sensory issues over time with tools like sensory bins or the tailored techniques recommended during Lighthouse Fusion® ABA therapy

Autism and self-care

With autism, hygiene and self-care can present a number of challenges. Sensory issues can make washing and grooming uncomfortable, which may make bath time very challenging for parents. Address hygiene issues with these simple steps. 

Develop a routine

Autistic folks tend to respond well to rituals and routines, which makes this the most effective way to teach cleanliness. Implement a morning and evening grooming routine early and be consistent with it to encourage predictability and familiarity as your child ages. Autistic children also tend to learn best by doing rather than watching or listening, so a visual schedule containing both pictures and written instructions can help make these essential life skills for those on the autism spectrum much easier while encouraging self-care and independence. Of course, as children move into adolescence, a new routine will need to be established, and the process will need to be repeated. 

Keep supplies organized and within reach

Create a laminated checklist with each step clearly displayed. Pictures of your child (or even of their favorite character or a sibling) performing each step make the checklist clear and fun. Videos can be great models too! Place the checklist where they can easily see it, like on the bathroom mirror.  

Next, place all the tools and products they’ll need for their grooming rituals in an easily accessible box — one for the morning and one for the evening. Again, give your child a variety of fragrances and textures to choose from. Once they’ve found their favorite toothpaste, soap, and other grooming products, go ahead and number each product in the order of use. Remember, aversions may occur to certain fragrances and textures, so opt for unscented, natural products if that is a concern. 

A morning routine may look something like this: 

  1. Use the toilet 
  1. Wash hands 
  1. Wash face with soap 
  1. Rinse with water 
  1. Dry with towel 
  1. Apply moisturizer 
  1. Get dressed 
  1. Brush hair 
  1. Eat breakfast 
  1. Brush and floss teeth 

Remember, if this feels overwhelming, you can always break the steps down further. Little ones might need a separate ritual for getting dressed and doing their hair. 

Use rewards 

Let’s be honest — most children don’t enjoy brushing their teeth! Even so, autistic people may not experience the same relief that allistic (non-autistic) people experience when engaging in self-care, which makes it important to provide a strong motivator and reward for the completion of essential tasks. When a child strongly dislikes a particular task, it’s best to break it down into micro-tasks and reward each step. You can offer toys or extra playtime, for instance. 

When your child gains more independence or acquires more tolerance, you can slowly begin fading out rewards. It’s important to do this slowly as they make progress to avoid dependence on particular outcomes. 

Create social stories

Social stories are brief descriptions of a particular situation, activity, or event that describe what to expect in that situation, why it is that way, and how to respond appropriately. This presents information in a literal way, preparing children and giving them the chance to rehearse so that they are not overwhelmed by new experiences. 

With autism, some skills may be harder to pick up than others — self-care is one such instance where your child may struggle without appropriate guidance. Social stories can help explain the importance of personal hygiene, teach appropriate behaviors, and demonstrate how to respond should they feel the need to remove their clothing, for instance. Find a children’s book that displays this accurately, or create your own social situations relating to grooming using simple, straightforward language — you can also add pictures to make it more interesting. 

Overcome the challenges with the help of Lighthouse Autistic Center

Discover more helpful autism resources, or work with our team of professionals who provide tailored support to the entire family, offer guidance on navigating insurance, and equip both you and your child with the skills needed for continuous progress. 

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

Autism-Friendly Home Tips 

Creating a safe home for an autistic child is essential. We look at some of the safety and security considerations and other tips for making a safe home.

A toddler in a white baby onesie climbing up a wooden and white staircase

Tips for Child-Proofing and Keeping Your House Safe for an Autistic Child

Household safety is one of the primary concerns of all parents. This is a concern that tends to escalate when babies start to crawl around the house, and baby-proofing the home becomes a priority for parents.  

Home safety for an autistic child comes with the same concerns. However, unique risks also mean typical house safety concerns become more serious based on your child’s individual nature. 

In this article, we are going to look at the unique challenges in creating an autism-friendly house, why autistic children may need extra home security, and how to appropriately child-proof your home for your autistic child. 

Why is child-proofing the home a challenge for autistic children?

Child-proofing can be particularly challenging for parents or caregivers with an autistic child. Autistic children tend to fixate on certain items or display sensory-seeking behaviors. They could fixate on a dangerous item, or their fixation could simply leave them unaware of the possible dangers around them. Additionally, some autistic children have a propensity to try to elope or run from their homes on a regular basis, for a variety of reasons. 

As a result of this, typical child-proofing concerns can become more serious depending on what your child is interested in. Some of the biggest concerns can include: 

  • Sensory fixation on water, fire, fans, or other items. 
  • Accessing dangerous items like medications, sharp objects, chemicals, and electrical outlets. 
  • Climbing on furniture and then jumping, falling, or having the furniture fall on them. 
  • Leaving the house through a window or door without someone knowing. 

Use home safety as a learning opportunity 

The first step to creating a safe environment for a child with autism is to use your home as a learning environment. While removing your child from dangerous situations is important, it’s also a good idea to teach them home safety like you would any other skill.  

Use positive reinforcement when your child performs a home safety skill correctly or when they refrain from doing something that you’ve taught them is unsafe. Remember to keep home safety steps short and simple. 

You can use the usual tools that would be used in a therapy session or when teaching them skills at home, such as visual rules, checklists, signs, stories, and schedules. Choose whatever it is that your child has had success with in other settings in the past.  

Some ideas include the following: 

Label everyday items 

Using visual aids like photos, words, colors, and textures to label everyday appliances, furniture, rooms, drawers, etc., will help your child to more easily associate the items with where they go or what their purpose is. Labels increase the likelihood of your child using something for its intended purpose and discourage unsafe behaviors. 

Create visual boundaries and limits

Telling your child not to walk out the front door isn’t enough. Use visuals to relay the message more clearly. You could place stop signs on doors that lead outside or to stairs or on drawers that they shouldn’t open. Or you could mark the floor with painter’s tape to show where they shouldn’t walk close to hazardous furniture. 

Keep things organized and in place

Autistic children are often creatures of habit and structure. Keeping things tidy and in their place means children will know where to find things and where to put them once they are done. This will lead to less frustration, making them less likely to engage in unsafe behaviors. 

Home modifications for autistic children

If you’re wondering how to make your home autism-friendly, here are some of the modifications that you can make:  

  • Move furniture away from where kids could climb it. Invest in some sensory appropriate climbing furniture products instead to encourage safer behaviors. 
  • Ensure all furniture is mounted to the floor or wall. 
  • Use gates and barriers at the top and bottom of stairs to keep them from climbing and falling down. 
  • Put all medications out of reach. 
  • Put rubber bumpers on the sharp edges of counters or furniture. 
  • Hide wires or place them out of reach. 
  • Lock away cleaning suppliers, toiletries, and other hazardous chemicals. 
  • Educate your child about fire safety through stories about smoke detectors and safety routines. Lock away all matches and lighters. 
  • Put covers on electrical outlets and protection on door knobs, cabinet handles, faucets, etc. 
  • Add sensors to areas that your child should not be in, so you are aware of where they are in the home. 

Home security

As mentioned, some autistic children are known to try and wander off or escape from their houses, so home security is another aspect to consider. This can include: 

Install locks and sensors 

Install locks or sensors on the home’s doors, windows, and cabinets. Autistic children are resourceful, so investing in a high-quality locking system is worth it. 

Safely store away potentially hazardous items 

Lock and store potential hazards like paint, fertilizer, and cleaners somewhere out of your child’s day-to-day environment, such as the garage or basement. 

Install sensory-friendly alarms 

Install alarms on their bedroom door, doors leading outside, and windows. Of course, keep in mind that an alarm could be intolerable for a child with sensory issues. Usually, the alarm can be tailored to your child’s specific needs. 

Explain “stranger danger”

Chances are that your child will open the door when it rings at some stage in their life. It’s important to teach them the dangers of opening the door to strangers and learning who they can trust. Allistic (non-autistic) children are more likely to be able to read people’s intentions, whereas autistic children tend to be naturally trusting. This is an important lesson they can take into adulthood, too. 

Always have an emergency plan in place

It’s critical that you have an emergency plan in place should something happen. The first port of call should always be to phone 911 and alert the appropriate authorities. All of the relevant emergency numbers should be on hand around your house and in your vehicles. Providing your child a safety bracelet with their name and emergency contact details may also be useful. If they do not like the feeling of a bracelet, then give a laminated card with emergency contact numbers for them to keep at all times or label each piece of their clothing with the same information. 

If your child has a history of elopement or unsafe behaviors in the home, contact your local police department so they know who your child is, where you live, what they might do and where they might go based on past experience. It is always easier to communicate this information proactively than in a crisis situation.  

Create a quiet space for your autistic child at home 

Remember, when preparing for autism at home, that an autistic child is more likely to act out when they become overstimulated. In this case, they will need a safe time-out space to refocus. 

Instead of punishing them with a time-out in a corner, create a dedicated space that they can have to themselves to enjoy a moment of peace and quiet, or engage in whatever self soothing strategies work for them. If you continually direct them to this space when they get overstimulated, you teach them a better way to cope with and handle stress. Make the space soft, neutral, and welcoming with your child’s favorite toys. 

Get the best for you and your child with LAC

At Lighthouse Autism Center, we equip our learners and their caretakers with the tools and strategies needed to enhance growth and development through our Lighthouse fusion ABA therapy. We also offer a wide array of the best autism resources and information for our clients to turn to and help your child take the important next step in their journey. 

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

Lighthouse Autism Center Staff Spotlight: Laura

Laura’s Lighthouse Autism Center Journey

Laura is a Lead Registered Behavior Therapist at our Goshen center and has been with Lighthouse Autism Center since December of 2022. Prior to her current role, she was a level 1 RBT, then a level 2 RBT, working her way up to a Lead Therapist though LAC’s Level-Up Program! She graduated from Trine University with a degree in Psychology and Criminal Justice. Laura is a dog mom who loves to knit, read, and garden.

A selfie of a Lighthouse Autism Center employee smiling with auburn hair and glasses

What made you decide to apply to Lighthouse?

I applied at Lighthouse because I have been interested in Autism Spectrum Disorders since I substitute taught in the Special Education department and loved every minute of it. I thought that Lighthouse would be a great place to get my feet wet so to speak.

What is your favorite part of working at Lighthouse Autism Center?

I really love working with all the learners. They are all so unique in their own ways and figuring out how to turn their individual motivations into teachable moments is really rewarding for me.

How would you describe your experience working for Lighthouse?

I really like working at an ABA center that focuses on the employees’ well-being. Mental health fields of work can be mentally draining for employees and Lighthouse really focuses on making sure we have help if we need it.

Do you have a favorite memory from your time here?

My favorite memory at Lighthouse was the time a learner’s face lit up at seeing me because they were excited to work with me. It’s just so great to see the joy we can add to the day.

What advice you would like to share for those interested in a career at Lighthouse Autism Center?

Just apply! You never know a job until you start and that’s the 1st step.

Ready for a career where you can make a difference?

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