Do Siblings of Autistic Children Suffer Increased Stress?

Therapy room at Lighthouse Autism Center with toys on a table with blue chairs and book shelves above

Do Siblings of Autistic Children Suffer Increased Stress?

Growing up with an autistic sibling presents unique challenges. By addressing sibling stress, providing support, promoting communication, and practicing self-care, we can support the well-being of allistic siblings and the entire family. 

Do Siblings of Autistic Children Suffer Increased Stress? 

Growing up with an autistic sibling has its own unique challenges for brothers and sisters. According to a research paper on siblings of autistic children (The Quality of Life among Siblings of Autistic Individuals: A Scoping Review), “non-autistic siblings of autistic individuals experienced decreased psychological well-being, less perceived social support, increased aggressiveness and conflict-proneness, and higher levels of anxiety and stress impacting their quality of life.” 

By understanding and addressing sibling stress, providing support, fostering open communication, and promoting self-care, we can create an environment that supports the well-being of all family members.  

Together, we can ensure that children not only cope but also thrive in their relationships with their autistic siblings, fostering a stronger and more inclusive family bond. Let’s delve into the main challenges faced by allistic (non-autistic) siblings and explore some tips on how to help them cope with their autistic brothers and sisters. 

Main challenges of having an autistic sibling 

It is difficult to single out generic issues that affect families with an autistic child or children. It is especially complex when trying to understand the effects of autism on siblings, given that all families are different and all children are different within those families.  

For example, a younger sibling has always lived with autism in the family but may struggle to establish their own identity within the family dynamic while an older sibling may resent the loss of attention to the autistic sibling who came later. Combined with the personalities and temperaments of each child, and even the nature of the autistic sibling, dynamics can vary considerably. However, it is important to be aware of the issues that can arise from the specific dynamic between allistic children and their autistic siblings.   

Here are some common issues that have been highlighted on how autism affects siblings. 

Family dynamics

How a family responds to having an autistic child has a significant impact on allistic siblings. In some cases, when parents or guardians of an autistic child blame each other for the challenges it brings, it can lead to a separation or divorce.  

One guardian may end up with custody of both children and feel overwhelmed, angry, and frustrated. When the demands of autism become too much, this guardian might walk away or react with anger. As a result, the allistic child grows up in a chaotic environment, learning that challenges can strain family dynamics. 

At a more practical level, the daily routines and dynamics of the family can be significantly impacted by the needs and demands of an autistic child. Siblings may have to adapt to changes in schedules, limited family outings, or altered family dynamics, which can create stress and a sense of imbalance. 


Embarrassment is a tough challenge for siblings of autistic people. Children can be judgmental and may make hurtful comments about their autistic siblings. In response, they need to develop skills to support their autistic sibling and confront ableist bias as they grow older.  

Emotional impact

Having an autistic sibling means the whole family has to make adjustments. Allistic siblings may experience a range of emotions, including confusion, frustration, embarrassment, or even guilt. They may feel a sense of responsibility or worry for their sibling’s well-being, especially in social situations or when witnessing their struggles. It’s really important to take care of the mental health of the children who aren’t autistic so they don’t develop feelings of resentment towards their autistic sibling.  

Often, they have to give in and make compromises. They may have to watch the same movie over and over again, leave a fun event earlier than they’d like, or even say “no” to throwing a big party, just to make sure their autistic sibling is comfortable. And as they get older, these siblings might realize that their parents have less time and money to help out with things like college, weddings, or buying a home. 

Great expectations

Autistic siblings often require additional attention, support, and resources. This can lead to siblings feeling overlooked or neglected, as parental focus may be primarily directed toward meeting the needs of the autistic child.  

Even at a young age, siblings of autistic children are often expected to navigate their own emotions, take on additional household responsibilities, and put their own desires on hold. Independence at an early age is not uncommon, and comes with benefits, but also has it’s pitfalls. 

As they grow up, these siblings may find themselves shouldering even more responsibility for their autistic sibling, especially when it becomes challenging for their parents or guardians to manage everything. It’s a journey that requires understanding, compassion, and a willingness to lend a helping hand within the family unit. 

Communication and relationship differences

Siblings may find it challenging to establish typical sibling relationships due to differences in communication styles, social interactions, and play patterns. They may struggle to connect with their autistic sibling on a deeper level or face difficulties in engaging in shared activities. Conversely, siblings may develop more of a parent/child relationship with their autistic sibling, which brings a different dynamic and feeling of increased responsibility at a young age.   

Financial pressures

Money can play a significant role in the lives of families raising an autistic child. While it’s possible to navigate autism with limited financial resources, it can be incredibly challenging. Accessing resources, researching therapies, and attending appointments become harder for parents with hourly jobs or without internet access. 

And when those limited financial resources are primarily allocated to services for an autistic child, there may be little left for the needs of other children. College funds might be redirected to autism therapy, and additional expenses like fitting schools or respite care may require sacrifices. This can lead to resentment from allistic siblings towards both their guardians and their autistic sibling. 

Overwhelmed parents or guardians may lack the energy to assist with homework, coaching, transportation, or other typical caregiving activities. They may be unaware of school issues, emotional challenges, or potentially risky behaviors. 

Tips on how to help children with autistic siblings cope 

While there is no one way to deal with the dynamics between siblings, there are a few tips on how to help your allistic child deal with their autistic siblings. 

Education and communication

Providing children with age-appropriate information about autism can help them understand their brother or sister better. Open and honest communication within the family can foster empathy, reduce confusion, and promote understanding.  

Children may have misconceptions, such as thinking autism is contagious or caused by their own behavior. Discussing how autism affects their siblings specifically, helps children see them as a whole person with strengths and challenges.  

The first step on how to help siblings understand autism is to start talking about autism when they begin to understand or notice differences. Adapt the conversation based on their age and understanding. Ask what they already know, use age-appropriate language, and be prepared to explain multiple times. Open communication fosters understanding and empathy among siblings, creating a supportive family environment. 

Individual attention

Setting aside dedicated time for each child is crucial. It communicates that their feelings and experiences are valued and boosts their confidence and sense of belonging within the family. 

When allistic children have a positive self-perception, it can enhance their relationship with their autistic siblings.  

Create special moments by dedicating regular time each day to activities like bedtime stories or sharing positive moments. Additionally, listen attentively to your children’s thoughts and make time for enjoyable outings. Consider arranging trusted caregivers to look after the autistic child, allowing you to spend more quality time with their allistic siblings. 

Foster positive interactions

Siblings of autistic children often have positive feelings towards their brothers or sisters, but their relationships may not always be as close due to challenges in social communication.  

Encourage siblings to engage in activities that promote bonding and positive interactions. Finding common interests or creating structured activities that allow siblings to connect and have fun together can strengthen their relationship.  

For instance, engaging in shared interests like playing with trains or participating in basketball can create opportunities for inclusive play and enjoyable interactions among siblings. Finding common ground and promoting inclusive activities can strengthen sibling relationships and create lasting memories. 

Seek professional support

Consider involving therapists or counselors who specialize in supporting families with autistic children. They can provide guidance, strategies, and emotional support to both parents and siblings.  

There are also various organizations available to provide support for siblings of autistic children, such as Siblings of Autism, the Sibling Support Project, and Sibs Journey.  

These organizations offer valuable resources and assistance. Additionally, it is beneficial to explore local resources in your area to discover support groups, respite care services, and specialized programs specifically designed to support siblings.  

Mental well-being and self-care for siblings 

It is essential to prioritize the well-being of siblings. Encourage them to engage in self-care activities, such as hobbies, sports, or spending time with friends, to help alleviate stress and promote their overall mental and emotional well-being. 

It’s also important to be attentive to your allistic children’s feelings and validate them. When your child expresses frustration, acknowledge their emotions. Often siblings feel guilty  communicating their frustrations with their autistic siblings, especially to their parents, because they know you are also overwhelmed. Engage in open conversations with your children about their feelings in a non-judgmental manner.   

Collaborate with your children to find positive ways to channel their emotions, such as drawing or painting. By sharing your own feelings, you help your allistic children realize that their emotions are normal. 

Manage the children fairly

Ensuring fairness among your children is crucial, and establishing clear family rules can aid in achieving this. Strive to create family rules that are fair and consistent for all your children whenever possible and implement strategies that encourage positive behavior in all your children. 

Avoid accepting aggressive or hurtful behavior from your autistic child if you wouldn’t tolerate it from your other children. Encourage all of your children to contribute to family life; sharing responsibilities within the home fosters unity and imparts essential independence skills. Tailor tasks and chores to accommodate your children’s diverse ages and strengths. 

Grow together with Lighthouse Autism Center 

Among the many autism resources available at Lighthouse Autism Center is a large community of families who deal with the dynamics and challenges laid out in this blog. Join them in their pursuit of better sibling relationships through treatments like LAC’s innovative Lighthouse Fusion ABA Therapy to help their autistic children better navigate family life.  

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

How Does Dual Certification Benefit Learners at Lighthouse?

Lighthouse Autism Center has a team of dual-certified clinicians who are Board Certified Behavior Analysts and speech-language pathologists. These experts ensure every learner receives exceptional treatment. Explore benefits of dual certification, types available, and the qualifications required. 

Two Lighthouse Autism Center members of staff sat at a table wearing face masks playing with slime with a child

How Does Dual Certification Benefit Learners at Lighthouse?

Dual certification in any healthcare field is an impressive accomplishment that showcases a clinician’s expertise in two, often separate, but related areas of treatment. In ABA, clinicians are required to obtain certification as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), which is a recognized standard in the industry. Dually-certified BCBAs, often have additional training, degrees, or licensure in other related fields.  

This combination of certifications allows professionals to integrate different therapies and derive a deeper understanding of their work while offering a more comprehensive approach to helping autistic people or those with other developmental disabilities. 

Let’s take a look at what it means to be dual certified, different types of dual certifications, what it takes to achieve, and why Lighthouse Autism Center’s team of dual-certified clinicians gives your child the best treatment opportunities.  

How does dual certification enhance ABA services?

Dual certification refers to the achievement of holding two distinct certifications. Within the field of ABA, clincians are considered dual-certified when they  have obtained certification as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) along with an additional certification in another related field. 

The purpose of dual certification is to broaden and deepen the knowledge and expertise of professionals working with individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or other developmental disabilities. By combining expertise from multiple disciplines, practitioners can offer a more comprehensive and integrated approach to assessment and treatment. 

Different types of dual certification, often seen in ABA settings

There are several different types of dually certified clinicians you might find in the autism space. Some of the more common ones include: 

BCBA and Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP)

This combination allows professionals to address both behavioral and communication challenges that autistic children may experience. They can provide comprehensive intervention plans that target both ABA-based goals and speech and language goals. 

BCBA and Occupational Therapist (OT)

Dual certification as a BCBA and an OT equips professionals with the skills to address both behavioral and sensory-motor challenges. This combination is particularly useful for autistic people who have sensory processing difficulties and require interventions to improve their motor skills. 

BCBA and Special Education Teacher

Dual certification as a BCBA and a special education teacher enables professionals to effectively support autistic learners within educational settings. This combination allows for a better understanding of the academic and behavioral needs of autistic people. 

BCBA and Clinical Psychologist

This combination provides expertise in both behavioral analysis and psychological assessment. Professionals with this dual certification can conduct comprehensive assessments, design behavior intervention plans, and address the emotional and psychological well-being of autistic people. 

What do you have to study to be dually certified?

To be dually certified, individuals typically need to complete the educational requirements and training for both certifications they seek. The specific requirements vary depending on the certifications pursued, but here is a general overview: 

BCBA certification

To become a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), individuals must have a minimum of a master’s degree in behavior analysis, education, or a related field. They need to complete approved coursework in behavior analysis, accumulate supervised fieldwork hours, and pass the BCBA examination administered by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB). 

Additional certification 

The requirements for the additional certification vary depending on the chosen field. For example, to become a speech-language pathologist, individuals need a master’s degree in speech-language pathology, complete clinical practicum hours, and pass a national examination for SLP licensure. Similarly, other professions will have their own specific educational and training requirements. 

Dual certification often involves completing the necessary coursework, practical experience, and examinations for both certifications. This typically requires a significant commitment of time, effort, and dedication to studying and gaining expertise in multiple areas. 

Benefits of dual certification in ABA therapy

Dual certification offers several significant benefits for professionals working with autistic individuals or people with other developmental disabilities. Here are some key advantages: 

Comprehensive assessment and treatment 

Professionals with dual certification possess a broader range of skills and knowledge across multiple disciplines. This allows for a more comprehensive assessment of an individual’s needs and the development of targeted treatment plans. By combining expertise from different fields, practitioners can address a wider range of challenges and provide integrated interventions that consider both behavioral and other relevant domains. 

Holistic approach

Dual-certified professionals can take a holistic approach to intervention. They understand the interconnectedness between different areas of development, such as behavior, communication, sensory processing, or academic skills. This comprehensive perspective enables them to design interventions that address the underlying issues contributing to behavioral challenges and support overall development in a well-rounded manner. 

Enhanced collaboration

Having dual certification facilitates collaboration among professionals from various disciplines. Professionals with dual certification can effectively communicate and collaborate with their colleagues in different specialties, such as speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, or special education teachers. This collaborative approach promotes a cohesive and coordinated effort, ensuring that interventions are aligned and reinforcing across different domains of development. 

Increased job opportunities

Professionals with dual certification often have an advantage in the job market. Their diverse skill set and ability to provide comprehensive services make them highly sought after by employers in various settings, such as autism centers, schools, clinics, or private practice. Dual certification can expand career opportunities and increase professional marketability, allowing individuals to pursue diverse roles and work with a broader range of clients. 

Improved outcomes for autistic people 

Ultimately, the primary goal of dual certification is to improve outcomes for autistic people. By drawing from multiple disciplines and employing a multidimensional approach, dual-certified professionals can develop more effective and individualized interventions. This comprehensive support can lead to improved behavior, communication, social skills, academic performance, and overall quality of life for autistic individuals. 

Dual certification at Lighthouse Autism Center 

Lighthouse Autism Center has a team of dual-certified clinicians, some of only a handful in the world, who are both Board Certified Behavior Analysts and speech-language pathologists. These clinicians are experts in the fields of ABA and speech therapy for autism, and every learner at Lighthouse has the opportunity to work with these world-class clinicians. 

These therapists specializing in autism are among the many autism resources available at LAC and are also expert practitioners of our innovative Lighthouse Fusion ABA Therapy.  

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

Lighthouse Autism Center Staff Spotlight: Sydney

Sydney’s Lighthouse Autism Center Journey

Sydney is the Executive Administrative Assistant and has been with Lighthouse Autism Center since January of 2022. She graduated from Valparaiso University in 2018 with a Bachelor’s in English. She also minored in Spanish and music performance. Her favorite things to do outside of work are to read, cycle, play the flute, cheer on the Chicago White Sox, and spend time with her dog, Luna.

What made you decide to apply to Lighthouse?

It has always been very important to me to be a part of an organization that has a strong tie to the community and that strives to provide resources to the underserved. When I came across an administrative position with Lighthouse, I jumped at the opportunity. I had a strong feeling that I could be a good fit for the organization and Lighthouse could be a great fit for me!

What is your favorite part of working at Lighthouse Autism Center?

My favorite part about working at Lighthouse is that every day is different! My position requires me to wear a lot of different hats, and this allows me to learn something new every day. Even though I do not work on the clinical side of the organization, I still get to learn about the clinical operations and familiarize myself with how the organization serves our learners. I love that I get to broaden my skills with different projects and research opportunities. I also appreciate getting to work with the Executive Team as they all push me to become a versatile assistant.

How would you describe your experience working for Lighthouse?

I would describe my experience working for Lighthouse as fast-paced, challenging, and rewarding. I’ve experienced great collaboration between departments and can always find someone willing to help me succeed or point me in the right direction.

Do you have a favorite memory from your time here?

My favorite memory so far was getting to shadow a therapist during my first week. It was meaningful to get to see firsthand the services that I would support in my role on the learner support side of the organization, and the learners were so sweet. The bright, playful spaces of our centers are always uplifting to see and experience. I’ve also really enjoyed visiting some of the newly opened centers.

What advice you would like to share for those interested in a career at Lighthouse Autism Center?

If any position with LAC interests you, go for it! So many people on our team are willing to support you and help you succeed in a role at Lighthouse. There are also so many opportunities for growth and advancement. If you’re looking for a rewarding career that will challenge you and allow you to serve your community, Lighthouse is the perfect place for you. 

Ready for a career where you can make a difference?

How Can Parents of Autistic Children Reduce Their Stress?

Raising autistic children can be challenging, with parents experiencing higher than usual stress levels. This, in turn, impacts mental and physical health, making it crucial to understand and address common stressors in parents of autistic children.

How Can Parents of Autistic Children Reduce Their Stress?

Parenting can be quite a challenging journey, and when it comes to raising autistic children, the stress levels can be even higher. Research has consistently shown that parents of autistic children tend to experience more stress compared to other groups of parents.  

While a little stress can be beneficial and keep us motivated, prolonged and excessive stress can have negative effects on our health. In fact, the relationship between parenting and autism often results in higher levels of depression, anxiety, and stress-related health issues. 

Understanding and addressing parental stress is crucial for the well-being of both parents and their autistic children. Let’s try to understand the most common stressors in parents, the effect stress has on both parents and children, as well as ways to reduce stress.  

Common reasons for stress in parents

Parenting an autistic child increases stress levels beyond those of parents of allistic children. The need for constant vigilance, financial burdens associated with therapy costs, sleep deprivation, and managing challenging behaviors can all contribute to increased parental stress levels.  

The impact of parental stress extends beyond individual well-being. It can also affect marital relationships, parenting effectiveness, and even the decision to continue with treatment.  Let’s take a closer look at these different stressors and the effect they have on parents. 

Psychological stress

Taking care of an autistic child can increase the risk of psychological distress like depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues in a caregiver. It’s important for parents to prioritize their own mental well-being and learn healthy coping strategies to manage stress effectively. 

Physical stress

Chronic stress can have physical effects on parents of autistic children, making them more vulnerable to cardiovascular, immune system, and gastrointestinal issues. Research has shown that caregivers in these situations have higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol and biomarkers like CRP, which are linked to various physical illnesses. Fatigue and sleep difficulties may also be common, especially if the child struggles with sleep as well. 

Social stress

Autism spectrum disorder is often misunderstood by the general public, leading to blame or misunderstanding of a child’s behaviors. This can result in a stigma that isolates parents socially, causing them to withdraw from public gatherings and even strain relationships with friends and family. Marital stress may also be more prevalent in families with an autistic child. 

Financial stress

Research suggests that parents of autistic children face financial challenges, such as lower income or reduced work hours, compared to other parents. Additional expenses related to therapy, medical care, and childcare can add a significant financial burden. Some parents may even risk job instability due to frequent absences needed to care for their child.  


One of the first steps towards reducing your stress is acceptance. Accepting that your child has autism and that it is not a disease to be “cured” or “fixed” can play a massive role in managing your expectations of both yourself and your child. Autism is part of who your child is, and every intervention moving forward should be based on that key understanding. Acceptance takes time, years for some, but is an integral part of the success of your child, and the overall family unit.  

It takes a village

Solid support systems are crucial for parents of autistic children. Don’t hesitate to lean on family members and close friends for help. Give them specific tasks to assist you. You don’t have to educate them about autism spectrum disorder yourself — direct them to resources where they can learn more.  

Additionally, disability organizations, places of worship, schools, and community organizations can be valuable additions to your support system. Meeting other parents who understand what you’re going through can be a great support. They “get” the challenges and joys of raising an autistic child, and you can learn from each other’s experiences. 

Focus on reality and not “what ifs”

It’s natural to wonder what life would be like without autism, but dwelling on “what if” scenarios adds unnecessary stress. Focus on the present and embrace your child’s unique journey. Face uncertainties with a positive mindset.  

Ask yourself what your responsibilities are to your child and yourself in the present moment. By focusing on the reality-based needs of your child and what you can actually control, you can alleviate unnecessary stress. 

Find space for yourself

When you feel overwhelmed by the various sources of stress as a parent of an autistic child, it can be helpful to start with small changes. Focus on getting enough sleep, incorporating regular exercise into your routine, and carving out some time for yourself.  

Even smaller changes — like slowing down your daily routine or drinking more water — can make a difference.  

For some, work can provide a break from caregiving for parents of autistic children, but it shouldn’t be the only reprieve. You need to have time and space outside of work where you can prioritize your emotional and physical well-being, pursue your interests, and nurture other relationships.  

Don’t let the fear of how your child will adjust to a new caregiver hold you back. Allowing your child to interact with other adults can be beneficial for both of you. Schedule respite care by hiring a babysitter, asking for help from family or friends, or exploring options like the Medicaid autism waiver. Use this time to rest, run errands, or do something that helps you relax. 

Finding some time for yourself is essential. It can be as short as 15 or 20 minutes. Whether it’s quiet time while your child plays independently or trading caregiving responsibilities with your partner, prioritize moments of self-care. Taking care of yourself can have a positive impact on both your own well-being and your child’s functioning. 

Emotional regulation is key

As parents, we’re human and experience a range of emotions. Find healthy outlets to regulate your emotions, such as exercise, meditation, journaling, or engaging in activities you enjoy. These practices can help you manage stress and maintain emotional well-being. 

Start small and mark the wins

Recognize and celebrate both major and minor victories for you and your child. Acknowledging the positive aspects of your life can uplift your spirits and reduce stress. Share your wins with others and savor the progress you and your child make. 

Find professional help 

Don’t underestimate the value of professional help in managing your stress levels. If regular therapy or counseling is not feasible, there are still options available. Schedule an appointment with your primary care physician to ensure your physical health is in check.  

Disability or autism organizations, as well as your local school or hospital, can help connect you with support groups for caregivers of children with autism. These groups not only provide a listening ear but also offer valuable resources and information to reduce parenting stress. 

Let Lighthouse Autism Center support you and your autistic child

Among the many autism resources available at the Lighthouse Autism Center are a host of autism parenting secrets to help our parents raise their autistic children with empathy and effective care. Combined with our innovative Lighthouse Fusion ABA Therapy, parents are able to live happier and less stressful lives at home with their autistic children. 

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

First Word Milestones and What They Mean to Some Families

Understanding the stages of speech development, the impact of autism on speech development and providing appropriate support and interventions can empower autistic children to reach their full communication potential, enriching their lives and those of their families.

First Word Milestones and What They Mean to Some Families

First word milestones represent a breakthrough in overcoming communication and autism-related challenges, and signify that a child is finding their voice. They’re a testament to the hard work, dedication, and the incredible journey of growth that families and their autistic children have embarked upon.

This journey is unique and can present challenges along the way. Each milestone, especially the first words, holds deep meaning and significance for families. It represents progress and communication breakthroughs while strengthening the bond between parents and their child.

Understanding the stages of speech development, the impact of autism on speech development and providing appropriate support and interventions can empower autistic children to reach their full communication potential, enriching their lives and those of their families.

Let’s understand the different speech development stages in autistic children, why some children miss milestones, how autism affects speech and language, and what first word milestones mean to families with a autistic children.

Stages of speech development in autism

Speech and language development in autistic children can vary widely. While some may follow a similar progression to neurotypical children, others may experience delays or differences in reaching speech milestones. 

Understanding the different stages of speech development can provide insight into the developmental journey of autistic children and the relationship between autism and communication. Here are the typical developmental stages in speech and language development.

1. Preverbal communication

This stage involves the use of nonverbal communication, such as eye contact, gestures, and vocalizations, to express needs and engage with others.

2. Babbling

Children begin producing repetitive syllables and sounds, laying the foundation for later speech.

3. Single words

In this stage, children use individual words to communicate their needs, desires, and thoughts.

4. Phrase and sentence formation

As language skills evolve, children start combining words into phrases and sentences to convey more complex ideas.

Understanding why autistic children may miss first word milestones

Speech development in children can be understood in terms of the development of various capacities, including expressive language (the ability to express oneself through words or gestures) and receptive language (the ability to understand and comprehend spoken language).

It involves the acquisition of vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, and the development of speech sounds and articulation.

Despite these generalities, speech and language development remains unique for every child. Additionally, the process through which autistic children in general reach first word milestones will often differ from their neurotypical peers. So just how does autism affect communication?

Here are some factors that can contribute to autistic children missing these early language milestones.

Communication challenges

Autistic children often face difficulties in expressing themselves verbally and understanding spoken language. They may struggle with the back-and-forth nature of conversation, have limited vocabulary, or find it challenging to use words to convey their needs and emotions. These communication challenges can impede their progress in reaching the first word milestone.

Sensory sensitivities

Many autistic children experience sensory sensitivities, where they may be hypersensitive or hyposensitive to certain sensory stimuli. In terms of speech and language development, these sensitivities can affect their ability to process and imitate sounds. Sensory sensitivities to noise, for example, may make it harder for an autistic child to focus on and understand spoken words, leading to delays in acquiring their first words.

Motor skills and oral-motor coordination

Developing speech involves intricate coordination of the oral muscles to produce specific sounds. Some autistic children may experience challenges with fine motor skills, including those required for precise tongue, lip, and jaw movements. Difficulties in oral-motor coordination can also impact their ability to articulate sounds, resulting in delays or difficulties in developing their first words.

Delayed social communication skills

Autistic children often experience delays in social communication skills, such as joint attention and understanding social cues. These delays can affect their language development, including the acquisition of first words. Communication is not just about words; it also involves engaging with others, taking turns, and understanding the social context of conversations. Without these foundational skills, autistic children may experience delays in reaching their first word milestones.

Individual differences and unique developmental trajectories

It’s essential to recognize that each autistic child is unique and has their own strengths, challenges, and developmental trajectory. While some may miss the typical timeline for first word milestones, they may excel in other areas of development. It’s crucial to focus on individual progress and provide support tailored to each child’s specific needs rather than comparing them to neurotypical or allistic benchmarks.

Autistic characteristics to look out for

There’s a direct relationship between autism and language, and understanding this as a marker to assess your child’s development can be very useful. If you suspect, or are uncertain, that your child may be autistic, these are some characteristics of autism to look out for. 

Delayed speech

Some autistic children may experience a delay in producing their first words or demonstrate trouble with their overall speech development.


Repetitive or echoed speech, where children repeat words or phrases without understanding their meaning, is common among some autistic individuals.

Difficulty with pragmatics 

Pragmatic language skills, such as taking turns in conversation, understanding social cues and using appropriate gestures, may be challenging for some autistic individuals.

Verbal apraxia

Some autistic children may struggle with planning and coordinating the precise movements required for speech, leading to difficulties in articulation.

What first word milestones mean to families

For families with an autistic child, the articulation of first words is a remarkable and heartwarming milestone. It signifies progress in communication skills, an important step towards self-expression and a deeper connection with their child. These first words can bring immense joy, hope and pride to families who have tirelessly supported their child’s speech and language development.

Early intervention with Lighthouse Autism Center

Early intervention plays a vital role in supporting autistic children in their speech and language development. Speech therapy, applied behavior analysis (ABA) and other evidence-based interventions can address communication challenges, promote language acquisition and enhance social communication skills. 

Lighthouse Autism Center (LAC) has a plethora of autism resources to complement their innovative Lighthouse Fusion ABA Therapy to help you with early detection and intervention.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

LAC Opens New Center in Davenport, Iowa!

ABA Therapy Center is Now Open in Davenport, Iowa

Lighthouse Autism Center (LAC) continues to expand, now with a network of centers in four states – quite a journey from its humble beginnings serving four families in one building to now serving hundreds of families across four states for over a decade. It is truly amazing.

Our newest state-of-the-art ABA therapy center is now open, our first center to open in Iowa, providing autism services to 21 children and their families and creating over 32 new jobs in the area. 

Our mission is to provide the highest quality autism services to children and families by opening our newest autism center near you. Lighthouse Autism Center has committed to continuing our mission in Davenport, Iowa as the need for ABA services continues to grow. Lighthouse is determined to fill that need by opening new children’s autism centers in underserved locations with facilities that can accommodate a larger capacity of learners, helping more families and children with autism, reach their goals.

Autism Center for speech and language

Lighthouse Autism Center is the Midwest’s leading autism therapy provider. With beautiful facilities that promote natural and play-based learning, and a team of highly trained and compassionate clinicians, Lighthouse Autism Center brings together compassionate care and clinical excellence to offer the highest quality ABA therapy to children with autism.

With a unique clinical model called Lighthouse Fusion®, children at Lighthouse are making greater progress, faster, all while having fun. While other ABA centers typically keep ABA and speech therapies separate, Lighthouse Fusion brings these two therapies together into one enhanced therapy solution. We invite you to learn more about how this innovative clinical model is helping to unlock each child’s potential. 

To learn more about Lighthouse Autism Center or enroll your child, contact our Family Outreach Coordinator at 563-526-0533 or visit our website.

Davenport Center Contact Information

5354 Elmore Circle

Davenport, Iowa 52807

Family Outreach Phone: 563-526-0533

Don’t see an autism treatment center listed near you? Contact us and let us know the area you are in, and we will notify you when we have a center opening near you!

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Lighthouse Autism Center Staff Spotlight: Kiah

Meet Lighthouse Autism Center’s Staff Spotlight of the Month: Kiah

Kiah is a Registered Behavior Technician Trainer at our Columbus Center and has been with Lighthouse Autism Center since December of 2021. She graduated from Purdue University Columbus with a Bachelors degree in Psychology. Kiah enjoys yoga, hiking, and spending time with her dog, Charlie.

What made you decide to apply to Lighthouse?

I had previously worked as a RBT and was not actively in the ABA field when I applied to Lighthouse. I missed the field and felt drawn back to ABA, so I applied to Lighthouse and I am glad I came back to ABA.

What is your favorite part of working at Lighthouse Autism Center?

I like the focus on naturalist teaching and the Fusion® model of incorporating speech therapy into ABA, but the kids are my favorite part about working at Lighthouse. From seeing their growth to running around playing with them and bringing my inner child alive, they are the best part. Working for Lighthouse is a very different experience than the typical 9 to 5. It is playful, fast paced, challenging, and rewarding.

Do you have a favorite memory from your time here?

My favorite memories are from Fun Friday activities. I love seeing the kids be kids and express their excitement in so many different ways.  

What advice you would like to share for those interested in a career at Lighthouse Autism Center?

Some days will be tricky. The tricky days are left at the center, the feelings don’t follow us home and it’s not personal. Stick around to see the progress the kids make and it will be worth it. 

Ready for a career where you can make a difference?

LAC to Expand Services in Warsaw, Indiana!

Lighthouse Autism Center is Expanding Services in Warsaw, Indiana

Lighthouse Autism Center (LAC) continues to expand, now with a network of centers in four states – quite a journey from its humble beginnings serving four families in one building to now serving hundreds of families across four states for over a decade. It is truly amazing.

Winona Lake Autism Center Opening in the Summer of 2023

Our state-of-the-art Winona Lake Autism Center is slated to open in the summer of 2023 and will provide additional autism services to 25 new learners and their families and create over 35 new jobs in the area. 

With a mission of providing the highest quality autism services to children and families through our facilities, LAC has sought to do just that in Warsaw, IN. As the need for ABA services continues to grow, LAC seeks to fill that need by expanding services to accommodate a larger capacity of learners, helping more families and children with autism, reach their goals.

Lighthouse Autism Center is the Midwest’s leading autism therapy provider

With beautiful autism clinics that promote natural and play-based learning, and a team of highly trained and compassionate clinicians, Lighthouse Autism Center brings together compassionate care and clinical excellence to offer the highest quality ABA therapy to children with autism.

With a unique clinical model called Lighthouse Fusion®, children at Lighthouse are making greater progress, faster, all while having fun. While other ABA centers typically keep ABA and speech therapies separate, Lighthouse Fusion brings these two therapies together into one enhanced therapy solution. We invite you to learn more about how this innovative clinical model is helping to unlock each child’s potential. 

To learn more about Lighthouse Autism Center or enroll your child, contact our Family Outreach Coordinator at 574-387-4313 or visit

Winona Lake Center contact information

109 E Winona Ave

Warsaw, Indiana 46580

Family Outreach Phone: 574-387-4313

Don’t see an autism treatment center listed near you? Contact us and let us know the area you are in, and we will notify you when we have a center opening near you!

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Interested in finding an autism center near you? Click Find a Center below to view a full list of current autism therapy centers.

LAC Opens New Center in Springfield, Illinois!

ABA Therapy Center is Now Open in Springfield, Illinois

Lighthouse Autism Center (LAC) continues to expand, now with a network of centers in four states – quite a journey from its humble beginnings serving four families in one building to now serving hundreds of families across four states for over a decade. It is truly amazing.

Our newest state-of-the-art ABA therapy center is now open, our third center in Illinois providing autism services to 30 children and their families and creating over 40 new jobs in the area. 

Our mission is to provide the highest quality autism services to children and families by opening our newest autism center near you. Lighthouse Autism Center has committed to continuing our mission in Springfield, Illinois as the need for ABA services continues to grow. Lighthouse is determined to fill that need by opening new children’s autism centers in underserved locations with facilities that can accommodate a larger capacity of learners, helping more families and children with autism, reach their goals.

Autism Center for speech and language

Lighthouse Autism Center is the Midwest’s leading autism therapy provider. With beautiful facilities that promote natural and play-based learning, and a team of highly trained and compassionate clinicians, Lighthouse Autism Center brings together compassionate care and clinical excellence to offer the highest quality ABA therapy to children with autism.

With a unique clinical model called Lighthouse Fusion™, children at Lighthouse are making greater progress, faster, all while having fun. While other ABA centers typically keep ABA and speech therapies separate, Lighthouse Fusion brings these two therapies together into one enhanced therapy solution. We invite you to learn more about how this innovative clinical model is helping to unlock each child’s potential. 

To learn more about Lighthouse Autism Center or enroll your child, contact our Family Outreach Coordinator at 217-295-2491 or visit our website.

Springfield Center contact information

614 N 6th Street, Suite B

Springfield, Illinois 62702

Family Outreach Phone: 217-295-2491

Don’t see an autism treatment center listed near you? Contact us and let us know the area you are in, and we will notify you when we have a center opening near you!

Find a Center Near You

Interested in finding an autism center near you? Click Find a Center below to view a full list of current autism therapy centers.

The Benefits of Early Intervention and Full-Time ABA Therapy

Early detection of ASD and early application of ABA therapy can positively impact your autistic child’s quality of life. Parents are encouraged to act quickly to get the full benefit of ABA and give their children the best opportunity to develop their social, behavioral, and communication skills.

The Benefits of Early Intervention and Full-Time ABA Therapy

Any therapist you talk to about autism and autistic children will tell you that the earlier you detect Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in your child, the more effective any intervention will be. This is especially true of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy in autism. 

Research has shown that early ABA intervention in autism at a young age is associated with better outcomes in life skills development and helps reduce challenging behaviors that can make it difficult for children with autism to interact with others and learn in traditional ways.

Find out why it is important to detect ASD early and the benefits of early intervention for autism with ABA therapy.

How do I know my child is autistic?

Signs of ASD can start showing up in babies as young as six months old. And by the time they’re 12–18 months old, those signs can become even more noticeable. 

In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all 18–24-month-old children be screened for ASD and other developmental disorders. If you do see anything that worries you, don’t hesitate to talk to your child’s doctor about it. 

Common signs cut across three different categories – social, communication, and behavior. These signs may manifest in the following ways:


  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Not responding to smiles or other facial expressions
  • Making facial expressions that don’t suit the context
  • Struggling to understand other people’s facial expressions
  • Ignoring objects when they’re pointed out
  • Not pointing out objects to others
  • Having difficulty showing empathy
  • Less likely to share things with others
  • Not responding when their name is called
  • Not using toys or other objects during play as expected


  • Not saying single words by 15 months or two-word phrases by 24 months
  • Repeating words without understanding their meaning
  • Showing little interest in communicating with others
  • Losing language or social skills between 15 months and 2 years old.
  • Unable to express feelings or thoughts independently
  • Not babbling, or echoing sounds as an infant


  • Engages in repetitive behaviors (stimming), such as rocking, spinning, twirling fingers, or flapping hands, to self-regulate
  • Walks on toes for extended periods
  • Prefers routine and struggles with changes or transitions to new activities
  • Can become fixated on a specific object or interest
  • Repeats certain activities or actions over and over
  • Has heightened or diminished sensitivity to smell, sound, light, texture, or touch

By catching any potential issues early, you can give your child the best possible chance for early intervention and successful treatment.

What is ABA?

ABA is a type of therapy that helps individuals with ASD learn new skills and shape their behavior by using positive reinforcement and other teaching strategies in a way that’s fun and engaging for the person receiving therapy.

ABA therapy has been shown to be really effective for people with ASD of all ages. Benefits include improvements and help with all kinds of skills, like communication, social interaction, and self-care.

Does early intervention work for autism?

The short answer is yes. Early intervention in children with autism means starting a treatment or therapy during the pre-preschool years – basically from birth to around age 3 – and there are many reasons why. 

At that age, the brain is super flexible and able to learn a lot more easily than it will be later on. That’s why starting treatment early is so important – it gives your child the best possible chance to make big strides in their development.

Here are some key reasons why early detection of autism and early intervention with ABA therapy is so important.


The biggest advantage of early intervention when it comes to Autism Spectrum Disorder has to do with something called neuroplasticity. This simply means that the brain can change and adapt based on what it’s experiencing.

When kids with ASD receive early intervention, there’s a better chance that their brain development will be positively influenced, creating and shaping new neural pathways early on. This can sometimes even prevent challenging behaviors from becoming habits, which can be a big help for both the child and their family.

Learning and school-readiness

Another benefit of early intervention is that it can help children with ASD to be better prepared for starting school. ABA can help children with autism develop the skills they need to learn effectively in a group or classroom setting, like paying attention to the teacher, following directions, and working cooperatively with peers.

Communication skills

ABA is particularly effective in developing communication skills in autistic children. This can include teaching them how to use language to communicate their needs, wants, and thoughts. Depending on the needs of the child and family, different communication styles can be taught, and ABA teams should collaborate with other providers to best determine what direction to go in. 

Social skills

ABA can also help children with ASD develop social skills, such as how to make friends, take turns, and engage in conversation. The sooner they learn these, the easier their lives will be in social settings. 


Early intervention with ABA can also help reduce challenging behaviors in autistic children. In many instances, it teaches them how to manage their emotions, follow rules, and engage in other appropriate behaviors, including how to ask for space or a break if needed. 


Parenting a child with autism is challenging, which makes it important to really understand your child’s unique traits and behaviors. This is especially true when they’re upset or distressed and may not communicate in the same way as other kids.

ABA teaches new techniques that can help you interact with your child in a more effective way and offer innovative solutions that can make a big difference for both you and your child. ABA therapy is not just about working with your child, it’s about incorporating the family into services and making sure the skills your child learns in therapy can be transferred to the home setting. 

Matching their peers

A really important study done by Dr. Ivar Lovaas showed that almost half of the children who received early intensive ABA Therapy were able to catch up to the average range of their peers in intellectual and educational function. 

Independent living skills

It is really important for autistic children to do things independently, just like other children, and early intervention helps your child learn important life skills right from the beginning.

When you start working on these skills early on, your child is much more likely to become confident and independent as they grow. This can be a big help in dealing with all kinds of challenges that come up in daily life. Think of things from washing their own hands, to toilet training, dressing independently, to packing their own lunch. 

Intervene early with the Lighthouse Autism Center

Lighthouse fusion ABA therapy is an innovative approach used by the Lighthouse Autism Center to fuse the best practices of ABA and speech therapy into a one-of-a-kind clinical model that delivers better outcomes for children with autism. LAC combines this with various autism resources to help you and your child live a better life.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

2023 Autism Awareness Scholarship Winner!

Congratulations to our 2023 Autism Awareness Scholarship Recipient

In 2020, Lighthouse Autism Center established the Lighthouse Autism Center Autism Awareness scholarship. This scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to an individual enrolled at a college or university as an undergraduate student in their junior or senior year, preferably in an area that we currently serve. While we had many impressive applications, McKenna Long was selected as the awardee for this scholarship.

About McKenna Long

McKenna is a junior majoring in psychology with a minor in criminology at Eastern Michigan University. She is currently an RBT at ACC at Eastern Michigan University, where she provides one-on-one therapy to children with autism. This experience has given her a deep understanding of the challenges faced by children with autism and their families, as well as the importance of early intervention and evidence-based treatments.

In addition to her work at ACC, she has also volunteered at various organizations that serve children with special needs. This includes volunteering as a camp counselor for a summer camp that serves children with developmental disabilities, where she was responsible for creating and implementing activities that were both fun and therapeutic. McKenna has also volunteered at a local center for individuals with disabilities, where she helped organize and facilitate recreational activities for the clients.

McKenna’s personal connection to autism is through her younger brother, who has been a driving force in her desire to pursue a career in applied behavior analysis. Through her experiences as an RBT and a volunteer, McKenna has witnessed the transformative power of ABA in the lives of individuals with autism and their families. McKenna is passionate about the field of ABA and is committed to making a positive impact on the lives of those affected by autism.

Congratulations, McKenna!

Learn more about the Autism Awareness Scholarship

Lighthouse Autism Center Sponsors Sensory Room at The CASIE Center 

Leading ABA Provider Sponsors Sensory Room at The CASIE Center to help support children on the autism spectrum.



Lighthouse Autism Center, a leading provider of center-based, Applied Behavior Analysis (“ABA”) therapy, announced on Monday a new partnership with the CASIE Center.  Beginning in May, all families who attend The CASIE Center will now have access to a sensory room where children with autism and other sensory disorders can benefit from a space customized to support their unique needs. As one of the largest ABA providers in the Midwest, Lighthouse Autism Center not only provides center-based autism services but works with local organizations like The CASIE Center to partner on projects like sensory rooms to support those with autism inside and outside their centers.

Lighthouse Sponsored Sensory Room

Lighthouse Autism Center has sponsored a sensory room within The CASIE Center to help children on the autism spectrum. Approximately 17% of children who visit The CASIE Center, have a developmental delay or sensory needs. The goal of this room is to create a safe environment for children who may be overstimulated and need to de-escalate. This room is painted in the same calm and welcoming colors as all the Lighthouse Autism Center locations and is filled with sensory items to help with interacting and communicating with a child on the autism spectrum. Lighthouse has a goal to bring inclusion and education to our communities in support of children on the autism spectrum.

The CASIE Center

The CASIE Center is a Child Advocacy Center (CAC), located in South Bend, IN. Serving over 1,000 children a year, in St. Joseph and Marshall County.  The CASIE Center provides a comprehensive, coordinated multidisciplinary team approach to the problem of child abuse by providing a safe, supportive, child-focused environment for victims of abuse, their families and the professionals who investigate and address these problems.

In 1991, a group of professionals saw the need to improve the child abuse investigation process by reducing the number of interviews a child must go through, limiting the number of professionals with whom the child must have contact and expediting these cases through the system.  Through the combined efforts and support of the Prosecutors Attorney’s Office, The Junior League of South Bend, Memorial Hospital and the Department of Child Service, The CASIE Center opened for business in January 1994.

Together, we can unlock your child’s potential

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