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Lighthouse Autism Center Blog

Three small whiteboards on a green wall in a line with colored magnets on them of different shapes, letters and numbers

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A Lighthouse Autism Center staff member helping a child make a bed pointing at the space themed comforter covers


Tips for Creating a Sleep Schedule

From difficulty relaxing to irregular melatonin levels, both autistic children and adults may experience trouble falling and staying asleep. Learn how to better manage your child’s sleep schedule by creating a healthy bedtime routine with these expert tips. Autism and Sleep: Tips for Creating a Sleep Schedule From difficulty relaxing to irregular melatonin levels, both […]

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Two children sat and stood playing at toy food diner


Managing Autism and Food Aversion

Food aversion is a common challenge faced by autistic individuals. By learning about the root cause and applying practical tips, as well as leveraging the help of professionals when needed, you can support your child in overcoming their food aversions to enjoy a healthy relationship with meal times. Tips for Managing Autism and Food Aversion  […]

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The Lighthouse Autism Center Difference

While Lighthouse Autism Center is unique in many ways from other autism therapy centers, one of the most important components of the therapy we provide is the one-on-one care each child receives and by fusing speech into daily therapy with our innovative approach to speech therapy called Lighthouse Fusion®.  The Lighthouse Autism Center Difference  Lighthouse […]

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My Child & Autism: The Lighthouse Goal

ABA therapy at Lighthouse is to provide each school-age child with the skills to transition back to the classroom setting that is appropriate for them. Discover how your dedicated team at Lighthouse Autism Center assists both children and families in this transition. My Child & Autism: The Lighthouse Goal Transitioning from a therapy center back […]

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Speech Therapy at Lighthouse Autism Center

Autistic children often require a multi-faceted approach to therapy. As a result, Lighthouse Autism Center sought to refine our approach by offering speech therapy in conjunction with ABA therapy. Speech Therapy at Lighthouse Autism Center Autistic children often require a multi-faceted approach to therapy. Typically, a child will need a combination of therapies, including ABA […]

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Tips for Shopping With Autistic Children in Overstimulating Environments 

The grocery store can be an overwhelming experience for autistic children. Here are tips for shopping with autistic children in overstimulating environments. Autism-Friendly Shopping Tips for Overstimulating Environments Everyday shopping, such as in a grocery store, might seem like a pretty straightforward experience to most, but for autistic children, it can be seriously overwhelming. Grocery […]

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Sensory Items for Autism – Lighthouse Autism Center

Sensory items for Autism can have profound benefits for Autistic children, including enhancing motor skills and providing comfort and calamity. Here are some of the best sensory toys to purchase. A Guide to Sensory Items for Autistic Children  Welcome to this safe and informative space where you can delve into the world of sensory items […]

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Consistency versus Chaos

Predictability and consistency with visual schedules, organized activities, and clear routines can help to reduce anxiety and support learning. Autistic children can thrive when parents or caregivers create structured environments. Consistency Versus Chaos In general, children thrive on routine. But for those with spectrum and developmental disorders, it becomes difficult to process all the sensory […]

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6 Questions Parents of a Child with Autism May Have

Here are a few common questions that parents may have about autism. These questions and answers can help you with your autistic child.  6 Questions and Answers for Parents of an Autistic Child Hey there, parents! Do you have a range of questions about your child’s recent autism diagnosis? You’ve probably been searching far and […]

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What is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst?

Board Certified Behavior Analysts play an important role in supporting Autistic children and their families as they learn to navigate the world. What is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst? In the complex world of behavioral science and Autism, the role of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) definitely stands as a beacon of expertise and […]

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Benefits of Speech Therapy for Autistic Children 

Discover the value of speech therapy for autistic children as we explore how this essential treatment addresses developmental issues like speech delays and abnormal or repetitive speech patterns and answer some commonly asked questions.  The Benefits of Speech Therapy for Autism Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication and social interaction […]

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What to Do After Autism Diagnosis

We take a look at some of the first steps to take after your child is diagnosed with autism. My Child Was Just Diagnosed with Autism. What Do I Do First? The first few moments after your child gets an autism spectrum diagnosis can be daunting and overwhelming. For some parents or caregivers, the autism […]

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