Lighthouse Roots – The Story of Morgyn
In May of 2022, Lighthouse Autism Center is celebrating 10 years of business. This would not be possible without our clients. These families were some of the first families to receive services at Lighthouse Autism Center and helped build a strong foundation. We would not be where we are today without them! Thank you for choosing Lighthouse Autism Center and for trusting us to provide compassionate care and for being a part of our story.
Meet: Merle and Dawn Janiszewski, parents of Morgyn

Morgyn’s Lighthouse Story
Morgyn attended Lighthouse Autism Center Park Place and Edison Lakes between 2013 and 2017. She was 11 years old when she first enrolled.
Lighthouse Journey:
Tell us about your favorite memory from your child’s time at Lighthouse Autism Center.
Morgyn loved when she was tickled by the therapists, and she loved to swing.
Tell us something your child does or is independent with now that you attribute to their time at Lighthouse Autism Center.
Morgyn helps with cleaning dishes when asked, knows her colors and can count really well. She can spell her name and likes a few more vegetables because of Lighthouse.
How did Lighthouse help your family and child reach their goals?
Lighthouse brought out the entire person in Morgyn. She returned to public school and did really well and became many teachers’ favorite student. She “graduated” high school and is now involved in the adult day program in the same school corporation. She is again a favorite of her current teacher. She is more patient and responds to questions when asked as well as mostly does what she is told.
What advice would you give prospective parents who are considering Lighthouse Autism Center for their child?
If you don’t believe in small miracles, you will after experiencing lighthouse. We were so happy, lucky and blessed to find Lighthouse. Before Lighthouse, the public school system was not making noticeable progress with Morgyn. It took us a few months to secure financial avenues and Lighthouse stuck with us during this time. Experiencing that showed us that Lighthouse puts the children they serve as the main priority.
At LAC, we are seeing incredible progress made by our learners every day.
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