ABA for Autism: Sign the Petition Now
Autism Live is an interactive web show that provides support, information, resources, facts, entertainment and inspiration to parents, practitioners and teachers that work with children on the Autism Spectrum.
They have started a petition, petitioning the Honorable Kathleen Sebelius, the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The point of the petition is to make sure that Applied Behavior Analysis is kept for individuals with Autism. The Affordable Care Act could actually result in individuals with ASD getting less coverage.
The reason this is important, Congress had directed Secretary Sebelius to define ten essential health benefits that make up the minimum insurance coverage required by the Affordable Care Act. Secretary Sebelius, instead of defining them on her own, directed each state to define the essential health benefits. This move puts in jeopardy existing health care coverage that those with Autism have and overlooked that intent of the coverage, as it is meant to cover vulnerable populations.
To help make sure that ABA therapy must be covered by insurance companies in your state, please consider signing this petition.
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