Stages Learning Materials
About Stages Learning
For parents and professionals alike, Stages Learning Materials is a great resource for those caring for someone with autism. Started by an ABA Therapist in the late 1990’s, it is now one of the leading sellers of autism related learning resources. Perhaps the most popular is the Language Builder Series an important tool for teaching things like receptive labeling, matching and sorting, and something that we do use here at Lighthouse Autism Center with many of our kids. The top-selling autism education product, the Language Builder Picture Cards, was designed to specifically meet the learning needs of children with autism. The research-based Language Builder Series has become a staple in home and school programs around the world and Stages Learning is now the premier developer of learning tools for children with autism. To learn more about what Stages Learning Materials has to offer, visit their website at
Stages Learning Products
All products are created to stimulate learning at each stage of language development. They feature beautiful real-photo images to capture a child’s attention and engage their minds. Research demonstrates that children with autism are highly visual and literal learners, and these tools support learning strengths.
The photo-based flashcard sets, games, puzzles and posters offer a broad assortment of images to teach a wide range of language skills. The card series provide opportunities to teach identical pre-language matching, categorization and learning similarities. Their work is based on 20 years of experience in helping children learn language skills and new research on digital learning technologies and instructional design also informs their tool development.
To learn more about what Stages Learning Materials has to offer, visit their website at
Together, we can unlock your child’s potential
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