My Job Chart: A Great Tool for Families!
My Job Chart is visually stimulating, engaging and most importantly, FUN! Hard work and money management are two critical skills for individuals with autism of all ages and My Job Chart provides an interactive way to learn both!
Here is what one mom had to say:
“One of the tools we found to help my son was My Job Chart. It was so awesome to watch Ian begin to make the connection, to begin to understand, on a limited basis the concept of cause and effect. With this tool, we were able to give Ian what he viewed as most comfortable and safe, routine and order, while at the same time teaching him concepts that would help him be able to achieve the independence he so desired.”
This great system provides opportunities for both kids and adults to work, manage time and money, while practicing accountability, responsibility and problem solving. My Job Chart also provides parents a perfect environment to have meaningful conversations about how to make smart money decisions and setting priorities.
With My Job Chart, individuals with autism can record their completed chores and jobs and accumulate coins that are then converted to dollars. Then, the child or adult can manage their own money by deciding whether or not to save, share or spend! Sharing allows them to donate to featured charities like Autism Speaks. The money raised for Autism Speaks will go towards funding iPads for financially disadvantaged individuals with autism who have trouble communicating. can also be used through its Apple and Android mobile apps, allowing parents and kids the opportunity to save, share and spend from anywhere!
For the original article, visit Autism Speaks website.
Together, we can unlock your child’s potential
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