Autism Resources

Early Signs of Autism

Therapy room at Lighthouse Autism Center with toys on a table with blue chairs and book shelves above

Lighthouse Autism Center offers resources to help caregivers recognize the early signs of autism. Here, we delve into some of the most common signs and symptoms in young kids.

Early Autism Signs & Chatacteristicts

When do children show signs of autism? It can be difficult to recognize the early signs of autism in babies, and although autistic children often show signs in infancy, they may not be diagnosed until much later. Early signs of autism in infants or toddlers often go unrecognized simply because parents or caregivers may not know what to look for. One of the most important things you can do for your child after birth is to learn the early signs of autism. When do children get diagnosed with autism? The earlier the diagnosis, the better. Recognizing the initial signs of autism can lead to an earlier diagnosis, which opens the doors for early autism intervention. Research suggests that early intervention leads to the best outcomes for autistic children and gives them the tools to lead a more independent life.

View Developmental Milestones

Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder

The core signs of autism in toddlers and older children are social communication challenges and repetitive or restrictive behaviors. While young children may display these characteristics on occasion, a child with autism will consistently display these characteristics, and they may interfere with his or her daily life. Healthcare professionals diagnose autism by assessing behaviors associated with social communication challenges and repetitive or restrictive behaviors.

  • Little or no eye contact
  • Resists being comforted, held, or touched
  • Lacks an understanding of personal space (e.g., gets too close when speaking)
  • Responds to social interactions, but does not initiate them
  • Does not generally share observations or experiences with others
  • Difficulty understanding jokes, figures of speech or sarcasm
  • Difficulty reading facial expressions and body language
  • Difficulty understanding the rules of conversation (e.g., makes spontaneous comments, disconnected remarks, or interrupts)
  • Difficulty understanding group interactions
  • Aversion to answering questions about themselves
  • Makes honest, but inappropriate, observations
  • Seems unable to understand another’s feelings
  • Prefers to be alone or aloft, or is overly friendly
  • Difficulty making friends or maintaining friendships
  • Finds it easier to socialize with people who are older or younger, rather than peers of their age
  • Disengaged with surrounding activity or people
  • Talks excessively about one or two topics (e.g., dinosaurs, movies, etc.)
  • Overly trusting or unable to read motives or intentions

Diagnostic Testing for Autism

Having a child tested for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is only something that a qualified professional will be able to do. However, knowing the signs of autism can help you decide whether or not to seek further evaluation for your child. The easiest way to be able to determine if a child should have further evaluation for autism spectrum disorder is to know the signs. Getting an early diagnosis of ASD is key to proper treatment and early intervention.

Learn More About Autism Diagnostic Testing

We are here to help. If you suspect your child may have autism, don’t wait. Learn more about the autism evaluation process now.

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